Enron Mail |
Greetings! All's well today as we finally see sunshine in Houston.
Meanwhile, I thought you would enjoy hearing Texas A&M University hosted reception last Thursday, celebrating our J.V. in the Lockard & White Learning Center. Actual market requests helped define classes developed specifically for telecom, utilities, and energy firms - also, take a peek at www.lwlc.com. These courses, designed based on requests from U.S. companies, fulfill a market need for professional training in the telecommunications arena. It is a Win-Win program in which all benefit from better trained professionals and industry leaders. We look forward to exploring with you ways in which we may partner on domestic U.S. and international initiatives as well. Regards, - -- A.R.D.Peduzzi (Ricardo) Business Development Director LOCKARD & WHITE INC. Telecommunications Engineers www.lawtelecom.com Suite 507, 14511 Falling Creek Houston, TX 77014 voice: 281.586.0574 fax: 281.586.0044 cel: 832.443.0415