Enron Mail

Subject:YPO eNews: Issue 20 - July 15, 2001
Date:Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:45:19 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE] 2002-2003 Universities and Experiences Regional Confer=
ence 2001: A Southwest Odyssey 2001 Fall Seminars New YPO Public Web Site I=
nventory of Skills Forum News2002-2003 Universities and Experiences Venice =
University Audio Tapes =09
[IMAGE]=092002-2003 Universities and Experiences Open for Registration!=09
=09 [IMAGE] Africa Family Safari Experience, July 21-26 2002 http://www.my=
ypo.org/africa2002 [IMAGE] Prague University, October 6-12, 2002 http://w=
ww.myypo.org/prague2002 [IMAGE] India University, January 26- February 2,=
2003 http://www.myypo.org/india2003 [IMAGE] Morocco Experience, April 23=
-28 2003 http://www.myypo.org/morocco2003 [IMAGE] Baltic Family Universit=
y at Sea, June 23-30, 2003 http://www.myypo.org/baltic2003 =09
[IMAGE]=09Regional Conference 2001: A Southwest Odyssey=09
[IMAGE]=09Enhance your mind, body and spirit at the renowned Loews Ventana=
Canyon Resort. Find out more about this Regional Conference, 2001:A South=
west Odyssey, October 10-14, 2001 at http://www.ypo2001.com =09
[IMAGE]=092001 Fall Seminars=09
=09 [IMAGE] Northwestern Kellogg Presidents' Seminar. Class 2 of YPO's fir=
st year-long program focuses on "Leading in the Next Economy." Four sessi=
ons meet November 26-29, 2001; January 13-16, 2002; March 3-6, 2002; and, =
May 5-7, 2002. http://www.myypo.org/northwestern [IMAGE] Retail Indust=
ry Roundtable Analyze web-based retailing and future consumer purchasing =
patterns. Explore retail operation innovations, site selection, winning st=
ore formats, merchandising, supply chain management, branding, and human r=
esources. September 12-14, 2001. http://www.myypo.org/retail [IMAGE] Aut=
omotive Aftermarket Industry Roundtable Discover from industry experts an=
d peers about consolidation trends, new distribution channels and future d=
istribution trends, re-manufacturing and the "new" aftermarket. October 26=
-27, 2001. http://www.myypo.org/automotive [IMAGE] Mergers, Acquisit=
ions & Finance Seminar Get the answers to the issues affecting your company=
's financing choices. October 24-26, 2001. http://www.myypo.org/mergeracqu=
isitionfinance [IMAGE] YPO/PGA Golf Seminar Explore the parallels betw=
een golf and business with fellow golfers and industry leaders. Discover t=
he management skills they have derived through the game of golf at the PGA=
Learning Center in Port St. Lucie, Florida. http://www.myypo.org/ypopga =
[IMAGE]=09New YPO Public Web Site=09
[IMAGE]=09 Check out the new public web site, designed to provide addition=
al information on YPO for prospective members and others seeding YPO backg=
round. http://www.ypo.org =09
[IMAGE]=09Inventory of Skills=09
[IMAGE]=09 The Inventory of Skills is forming a new prostate cancer focus =
group, pairing members who have battled this disease with members who are =
newly diagnosed. For information, contact the Inventory of Skills at ios@u=
sa.net =09
[IMAGE]=09Forum News=09
[IMAGE]=09 For Forum Retreat Planning visit http://www.myypo.org/forumretr=
eat Forum Retreat Facilitators help create an agenda that addresses cur=
rent concerns and helps the forum progress to higher levels of communicati=
on: http://www.myypo.org/forumfacilitator =09
[IMAGE]=09Venice University Audio Tapes=09
[IMAGE]=09 Venice University audio programs are now available in audiocass=
ettes, MP3 files and audio CDs. Please let us know your preferences while =
placing your order at http://www.penfieldprod.com/ypo/ =09
=09 Please visit http://www.ypo.org for additional information on all YPO=
programs and services. Directions on how to use the Web links: Hold your =
mouse pointer over the link and left click on your mouse, opening your Web=
browser directly to that link. If it does not connect you, open your Web =
browser and copy/paste the link to the browser. Remember to have your YPO =
User ID and password ready. If you do not have this information or have di=
fficulties, please contact the Global Services Center at 1-800-773-7976 or=
1-972-650-4600. If you received this by fax, we do not have your emai=
l address on file. Please contact the Global Services Center to update you=
r member record. Issue Twenty =09