Enron Mail

Subject:Your corner on the intranet
Cc:sherri.sera@enron.com, karen.denne@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com
Bcc:sherri.sera@enron.com, karen.denne@enron.com, steven.kean@enron.com
Date:Wed, 13 Jun 2001 11:42:51 -0700 (PDT)

Jeff --

Our Internal Communications group is continuing to look for ways to communicate with employees in a timely manner about hot topics that are of interest to them. We're also looking to increase your exposure with employees. We have a new idea, which Sherri discussed briefly with you a couple of weeks ago. It's called "Jeff's Corner" and it will be a regular video message that will be posted on the intranet -- which can be accessed by 99.9% of our employees.

This is how it will work. We will tape a 2-3 minute video of you talking about what's top of mind at that moment. The tone and style will be like your floor meetings (one of your best employee venues), casual and conversational. We suggest the first topic be "The State of Enron." There is a lot of talk among employees about the cheap shots we've taken as a company and by you and Ken, about the decline in our stock price and about the widespread re-deployment efforts. These recent events are beginning to affect morale. Employees are concerned and want to be assured that we're on the right side, that they will have jobs, that Enron will be here next year. You've helped reassure them about these things at recent floor meetings; however, that is only a small part of our global work force. Having your own corner on the intranet will have a farther reach, and we have the capability to do this in-house at very low cost.

We recommend making this a regular communication feature at least monthly, although since this would only involve a few minutes of your time, you could even tape a message to employees weekly. The nice thing about this medium is we have the ability to respond immediately to current events, and having you speak to employees gives the message credibility.

Future topics could address new cost saving procedures, update on Dabhol, the PRC, reasons behind an organizational announcement, The Pulse survey, etc. We'd like this to be a forum where you can talk about topics you'd like to discuss.

I've checked with the technical team, and we have the capability do this now. I will check your calendar with Sherri. Let me know if you have any questions.
