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Greetings! I want to keep you informed (I will be brief) relative to Ziff Energy Group's latest/new products and services. Hopefully it will be of interest and stimulate some thought on where we could possibly assist you. Multi-Client Studies Just completed - Beyond the Midwest (110 pages) Comprehensive analysis of natural gas dynamics in Northeastern US and Eastern Canada through 2006 ****NEW - The North Study will focus on the project options and impact in Western Canada and US with coming of significant volumes of natural gas from Alaska and/or Northern Canada. Will have scenario analysis utilizing the GPCM model with projections to 2015. Study will be completed/available this coming winter. Gas Retainer Services Recently completed topic reports this year include the following: Scotian Shelf-An emerging North American Supply Region Canadian Gas Completions Outlook for Natural Gas in Mexico (with George Baker) Western Canada Gas Production Prospects ? ? We invite you to select one topic on a complimentary basis. Please let me know which you'd like to receive. Topic Reports underway for the rest of 2001: Coalbed methane prospects in Canada Future prospects for gas-fired electricity generation North American gas pipeline projects Outlook for North American gas supply and demand LNG prospects ? ? Consulting Services Recent assignment - Canadian gas export scenarios Conferences PNW Conf - October 2nd in Portland PNW2001: Current Realities and Future Expectations; Discussion of regional issues - Strong slate of speakers Calgary - NA Gas Strategies Conference - Nov 5 - 7, 2001 Nov 5 - 6 The Future of Western Canada's Gas Supply: Stretched to the Limit? Nov 7 eSolutions for the E&P Sector: Redefining the eProposition see www.ziffenergyconferences.com for details Give me a call (713-985-5196) or email (rford@ziffenergy.com) if you have questions or want more detail on the above, or visit our Website - ziffenergy.com. Let us help you solve your current gas challenges. Thanks for your consideration! Look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Ron Ford