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Subject:iCan Direct: Servicing the Enterprise
Date:Mon, 23 Jul 2001 21:16:31 -0700 (PDT)

=09 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] =09
=09 About iCan | Solutions | News Center | Customers | Pa=
rtners | Resources =09
iCan Direct Issue 2: July 2001 [IMAGE] In This Issue: iCan SP =
Launches The First Complete Service Management Solution Client Spotlight:=
The iCan Provider Suite Helps A Full-Service ASP Shine More Brightly iCa=
n Enters The Japanese Market With KCCS iCan Highlights From CA World - Se=
rvicing The Enterprise And The PalmPilot Winner Is ... Take the iCan su=
rvey! CLICK HERE to answer the iCan Direct survey and receive the iCan jou=
rnal ? Service Management For Geniuses ? free! [IMAGE]iCAN SP LAUNCH=
ed by press, analysts and customers from three continents last month, iCan =
announced the general availability of the iCan Provider Suite, the first co=
mplete service management solution to enable xSP business operations. The =
iCan Provider Suite gives service providers, including IT departments that =
function like internal corporate service providers (ICSPs) critical busine=
ss tools to: Meter resource usage across Internet domains Set up a servi=
ce catalog Automatically provision customers Rapidly roll out new servi=
ces Track costs and offer flexible payment terms Monitor and enforce ser=
vice level agreements (SLAs) Drastically reduce operating expenses In t=
he words of iCan CEO, Nancy Li: "The iCan Provider Suite was built from th=
e ground up to help service providers succeed in the Internet services mark=
et. It enables xSPs and corporate IT departments to boost service levels, c=
urb expenses and strengthen their accountability to their customers." =
"xSPs that intend to survive and create high-volume businesses must streaml=
ine and automate their service-management operations. In many ways, the sof=
tware-as-services model - if executed correctly - operates like a utility m=
odel. The iCan Provider Suite is a complete solution for these requirements=
." ? Laurie McCabe, Vice President and Service Director for market researc=
her Summit Strategies The iCan Provider Suite performs a series of hig=
hly-integrated operational and business support functions that, taken toget=
her, comprise a comprehensive service management solution for the full spec=
trum of service providers. The software, the first of its kind, is the culm=
ination of a year-long, 200,000 man-hour development effort. Prior to the l=
aunch, beta testing in actual production environments was conducted at cust=
omer and partner sites over the previous seven months. iCan is currently w=
orking with customers in the U.S., Europe and Asia who represent the full s=
pectrum of xSPs. For more on these clients and what they're saying about th=
e benefits of the iCan solution, click here . The iCan Provider Suite cons=
ists of five complementary modules: iCan View - allows service provider=
s and IT departments to create a service catalog, manage groups of users as=
separate accounts, support personalization, provide simplified data presen=
tation and analysis, and reduce administrative overhead. iCan Meter - en=
ables service providers to collect information from all data sources across=
domains and measure customer application, server and network activity. i=
Can Assure - allows service providers to define and measure service level =
agreements (SLAs) and create new service offerings without additional codin=
g. iCan Bill - permits service providers to move beyond flat-rate pricin=
g and price their services based on actual usage and cost of service. iCa=
n Provision - allows IT departments and other service providers to automat=
ically provision services for new users and accounts. Please click here f=
or complete information on the launch and the full scope of the iCan Provid=
L-SERVICE ASP SHINE MORE BRIGHTLY SOLAR Inc., Hong Kong's first full-servi=
ce ASP, is on the fast track. Within one year of its formation, the service=
provider has established a strong presence in southern China and is rapidl=
y expanding into the greater China market. Experiencing rapid growth, SOLA=
R needs to bring on new customers quickly without adding to headcount. The =
iCan Provider Suite, according to SOLAR's CEO, Hera Siu, makes this possibl=
e. [IMAGE] "SOLAR has saved significant administrative time and boosted =
our efficiencies by deploying the iCan Provider Suite," Siu says. "This has=
freed-up staff to perform more revenue-generating tasks. With iCan Bill we=
have centralized and automated our billing process. Customer communication=
s," she adds, "have improved through the notices we are posting with iCan V=
iew." SOLAR was able to save significant administrative time on data colle=
ction and analysis by utilizing the iCan suite. The ASP was also able to mo=
nitor its data center's Internet connection. The streamlined operating envi=
ronment freed the SOLAR staff to undertake cost-reducing and revenue-genera=
ting tasks, such as improving capacity management and performing data back-=
up services. With the suite's iCan Bill component, SOLAR was also able to =
centralize and automate its billing process, further reducing the administr=
ative work involved in consolidating and verifying invoices. Customer comm=
unications costs were pared as well, by posting service notices through the=
iCan View component in lieu of mail or e-mail. To learn more about SOLAR =
and how it is benefiting from the iCan Provider Suite, click here . [IM=
s (KCCS), a leading provider of information communication services, has bec=
ome iCan's first Japanese customer. In an announcement made last week at C=
A World, in Orlando, Fla., KCCS said it had chosen the iCan Provider Suite =
as the service management solution for its new, state-of-the-art wireless d=
ata centers. [IMAGE] The KCCS data centers will provide a ready-for-mark=
et wireless platform that will deliver such services as wireless data deli=
very, email and messaging, electronic account settlement, remote printing s=
ervices and data backup. To manage these services, KCCS will deploy the iCa=
n Provider Suite to meter, provision, bill and maintain service levels for =
the full spectrum of its data center offerings. "Our D@TA Center will offe=
r the most complete range of high-performance mobile services ... It was on=
ly fitting then, when it came time to select a service management platform,=
that KCCS chose the iCan solution, which is the most advanced and sophisti=
cated set of business tools for service providers available today." ? Mr. H=
iroshi Kitamura managing director, KCCS Click here for detailed informati=
on on this customer partnership. [IMAGE]iCAN HIGHLIGHTS FROM CA WORLD =
- SERVICING THE ENTERPRISE [IMAGE] The 'software-as-service' model is be=
ing adopted by corporate IT, and the iCan Provider Suite enables IT departm=
ents to function as internal corporate service providers (ICSPs). That mess=
age was well received last week at CA World in Orlando, Fla., where iCan re=
presentatives met with several hundred CIOs and senior IT managers and demo=
nstrated the advantages of the iCan Provider Suite firsthand. While there w=
ere many questions, especially concerning how best to service customers in =
various industries, there was also a strong consensus on two key points: 1)=
The software-as-a-service model makes sense, because it helps IT more accu=
rately gauge and reduce costs, manage service levels and justify budgets; a=
nd 2) whether it's for internal users or external customers, th! e ! iCan P=
rovider Suite addresses the critical functions needed to successfully prov=
ide IT services. For more on servicing the enterprise, click here . For iC=
an highlights at CA World, click here . [IMAGE]AND THE PALMPILOT WINN=
ER IS ... [IMAGE] As previously announced, participants in iCan Direct's =
customer survey were automatically entered in our PalmPilot drawing. SINCER=
E THANKS to all of you who completed the survey. You will have other opport=
unities to participate in iCan drawings and giveaways in the near future. F=
or now though, the winner of the new Palm? m505 is ... Mr. Mark Pahulje, an=
employee of a large financial institution in Canada. Congratulations Mark =
- we hope you enjoy the convenience and many benefits of your new Palm. =
[IMAGE]Contact & Subscription Information WHAT SUBJECTS WOULD YOU LIKE US=
TO COVER? iCan Direct wants your feedback! To submit comments and suggesti=
ons, please email us at marketing@icansp.com . If you don't receive our mon=
thly iCan Direct newsletter by e-mail and would like to, please visit our s=
ubscription page . If you'd like to unsubscribe, please see the link below.=
PRIVACY POLICY: iCan SP does not collect or distribute user information t=
o third-party groups. This information is only used internally for the comm=
unication efforts between iCan SP and the subscriber. =09 CA WORLD =
ll of the demo stations for our displays at CA World ? a popular destinatio=
n. [IMAGE] iCan CEO Nancy Li's Business Management presentation, "Serv=
icing The Enterprise," was a grand success that confirmed the need for a te=
chnology-enabling solution like the iCan Provider Suite. [IMAGE] iCan'=
s first appearance at CA World was terrific, including the impressive booth=
in the World Technology Center. [IMAGE] The iCan booth included four =
demo stations for iCan and our partners to demonstrate the real-world solut=
ions that have been developed. [IMAGE] On-site representatives from Ne=
tCompliance, Telenor and SoftonNet were great assets for iCan at CA World. =
[IMAGE] =09