Enron Mail |
Resumes - We currently have a total of 10 "live" resumes - where "live"
indicates individuals who fit most or all of the qualifications/attributes we are seeking in a candidate. - of the 10 resumes, 4 originated from the City's initial recruiting efforts and 6 have been received since Enron became involved in the efforts. However, to date, no resumes have been forwarded from Recruiters. Recruiters - Unfortunately, I have had to take control of this situation by force. It appears we will no longer seek assistance from two of the three executive recruiters, Preng Assoc and Kern & Assoc. Korn Ferry has been contacted directly by me and redirected down the correct path. Hopefully we will have some resumes shortly. Meetings/discussions with related parties - I have met or had telephone conversations with a total of 8 individuals. I expect to meet with six more over the next couple of weeks. I plan to ride with Dr. Persse, the medical director, on 1/28 and to spend an entire shift (24 hours) with the fire-fighters from District 34 - the result of a two hour meeting with a Chauffeur (who initiated the meeting after reading the bulletin Hollingsworth's office sent out on me) who invited me to spend 24 hours with his fire station to experience first hand what they do. (I understand that one of the men who posed for the 2001 Fire Fighter Calendar are in his fire station - JUST KIDDING!) I have a lunch planned for tomorrow with the Mayor's communications director. She will be handling the specifics of the news conference scheduled for Febr. 1. Lisa