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Jan Mann, Executive Recruiter, Mayor's Office. Met with her on Friday, 1/5.
She said she had tapped into the following for potential candidates: 1. Ad placed in Fire Chief Magazine and on Firechief.com web page. 2. Announcement sent to all HFD employees. 3. Utilized Municipal Yellow pages (a who's who in the leading city and county governments and local authorities), targeting fire department personnel in the top 18 cities (based on population). As a result of her efforts, 18 resumes have been received and were forwarded to me. However, when I accessed the firechief.com web page this weekend I could not find the advertisement (I have asked her to check on this ASAP). Moreover, surfing various web pages/sites related to fire departments/associations, I was very impressed by the International Fire Chiefs web page (especially compared to the Fire Chief web page) and suggested to Jan as well as Dennis Thompson (see below) that we try to advertise there as well. As a result of my "surfing the net", I have compiled a list of decorated fire chiefs as well as recognized fire chief leaders on various fire related boards and committees. While these individuals may not fit into the top 18 cities in terms of population, I do not believe we should narrow our search to this criteria. I believe what we are looking for here is an outstanding leader with a track record of implementing change and cooperation within the different divisions in the fire department. Dennis Thompson, Special Projects Director, Public Safety & Drug Policy. I met with him today at 11am. He expects to have an answer on the legal issue (whether I would be excluded from public access) sometime today and the list of HFD and consultant contacts possibly today but most likely tomorrow. Of special interest from our discussions are the following: 1. Internal vs. external issue - only one Fire Chief was from outside (Swartout) and it was a disaster (he lasted 3 1/2 months) - Acting Fire Chief, Connealy, really wants the job 2. Current state of the fire department - fire prevention (considered critical by TriData) wasn't given the attention needed by Tyra - personnel fractioned - union partly to blame - communication broken down - low moral - department underfunded Please let me know if I am overlooking anything here. Lisa