Enron Mail

Subject:Forbes-Milken Institute Best Places Ranking
Date:Thu, 10 May 2001 09:18:00 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Friend:

The 3rd annual Forbes-Milken Institute Best Places Ranking was released
today, showing what cities are the best for business and careers.

What city do you think is number one this year? Well, just go to
http://www.milkeninstitute.org or http://www.forbes.com/bestplaces to find

This annual ranking of the top 200 metropolitan areas in the United States
(with a separate ranking for 94 small metros) looks at which metros are the
most dynamic based on jobs and earnings growth, and high-technology growth
and output.

All of the numbers were provided by the Institute's Regional and Demographic
Studies group as part of its ongoing research into how high-tech impacts
regional economies.

If you have any questions about the Forbes-Milken Institute ranking, or if
you wish more information about the Institute or the high-tech work of the
Regional Studies group, please contact us at (310) 998-2600.

We hope this is of interest to you.


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