Enron Mail |
Action Plan
Meeting 1 - Presentations from key individuals to provide information/insight into the important issues facing the new Fire Chief. - where - Enron offices - commitment - full day? - 3/4 day - presentations - estimate a total of about 4-5 presenters - 1hr? per presentation, including Q&A - (for example, presentation of key points from TriData study and Dr. Persse, EMS Director, has agreed to provide a presentation on EMS issues) - 1/4 day - committee members will jointly compile a list of key attributes/qualifications seeking in potential candidates - distribution of resumes from interested/pursued candidates (estimate approximately 20 resumes) Meeting 2 - Screen resumes and jointly decrease candidate list to 10 - where - Enron offices - commitment - 1/2 day? Meeting 3 - Interview the 10 candidates and jointly decrease candidate list to 3 - where - Enron offices - commitment - full day - each interviewee will be presented to the 5 committee members for a formal interview - Please note, logistically we may not be able to bring in all 10 candidates on the same day and may have to meet on two separate days Meeting 4 - Meet with Mayor Brown to present candidate list of 3 - where - City Hall? Please email comments/suggestions/questions as soon as possible. Thanks, Lisa