Enron Mail |
January 15, 2000
Accompanied by the pleasing rat-a-tat-rat of the train wheels slapping the joints between the rails, we are pulled slowly towards Istanbul. Adana's (a city of 1.6 million some 560 miles southeast of Istanbul) cement clutter and jumbled sprawl are behind us. It is night now and I imagine this exhausted land moaning with relief as it is allowed a brief respite until dawn. Fires spot the darkened fields -- fields that have been fields longer than any on this earth. The silhouettes of men, going about some mysterious chores, blink out the orange flames from time to time. I can make out a ragged black skyline of mountains to the north, scattered before them clumps of lights marking towns. Poised above it all, as if balanced by its handle on the palm of some invisible giant, is the Big Dipper. The handle points, roughly, in the direction of Istanbul. And from the dipper, onto that monstrous city, some heavenly pap must certainly pour. Having these last few days traveled through a tired land full of people beleaguered by poverty, I have new respect for that ancient town. Thinking of it now, Istanbul seems imbued with an almost childlike spunk, and an impressive set of toys with which to amuse. Earlier in the day in Antakya (ancient Antioch, another 120 miles further southeast of Istanbul), I had just boarded the bus for Adana when a little girl started saying out loud, to her mother, the names of cities and towns, some of which she must have seen on road signs. "Iskenderun", "Adana", she pronounced slowly and carefully. "Kirikhan", "Dortyol," she continued. Then she said "Istanbul", with the same care. But it had obviously pleased her more than the rest, because she repeated it many times, each time with a bit more zeal, until it finally sounded like a marvelous one-word song. "Is-stawn-bul, Is-stawn-bul", she sang out sweetly, her lyric sometimes punctuated with a short burst of the giggles. "Is-stawn-bul!", "Is-stawn-bul!" I doubt I will ever hear or read or say the name again without hearing her little song. Even now, I am humming its happy tune. And you may ask, "Where was the mother?" Smiling, I suppose. And dreaming of Istanbul. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com