Enron Mail |
Dear Jeff,
Several months ago, you agreed to participate in an interview about problem solving for a book I am writing to be published later this year. The manuscript is rapidly coming to completion, and I want to take this opportunity to make contact for several reasons. First, I've enclosed a draft of the chapter that covers you. If you or an assistant have time to read this, make a check for factual errors and let me know your reaction within two weeks of this letter's date, I would very much appreciate it. The production schedule at this point is strict, and unfortunately, our miscommunication about your change in email address hasn't left us much time. End of this week will be OK though. If you have any additional insights you feel should be added, or important things I've missed, please include those as well. Any comments can be emailed to me at chrishoenig@exolve.com. Second, thank you so much for your time and the kind assistance of your staff, in helping to make this project work. I believe you will find the final product of some interest, and I will make sure that you get a free copy upon publication. Third, In return for sharing your insights, I'd like to offer you the only compensation I can at this time, which is to share knowledge in return. If there is one organization - for example, the leadership team of a local charity, a citizen's group - that you would like to receive a briefing or hear a speech on this subject, I would be pleased to contribute. Fourth, I am currently in the process of founding a non-profit organization that will be dedicated to gathering knowledge on problem solving to create a public trust that can be a resource for educators around the world. Just as other conservation organizations identify and protect land, historical treasures or other assets, in the knowledge age, I believe that the core high quality knowledge on how human beings solve problems should also be conserved, protected and made widely available throughout educational systems. If this project interests you and you would like more information or to lend your support, we would welcome your involvement. Most Sincerely, Christopher Hoenig - 36ch - skilling1.doc