Enron Mail

Subject:Welcome to NewPower!!!
Date:Mon, 9 Apr 2001 09:47:00 -0700 (PDT)

Thank you for joining NewPowerTM - a new kind of power company! We are
committed to offering you competitive prices on electricity. Your upgrade is
almost complete. You will soon be receiving a NewPower Welcome Kit regarding
your enrollment. That information will be sent to the mailing address that
you supplied when you enrolled via our website.

In the next few weeks we will be busy working with your local utility to
complete your enrollment. Remember, as part of the sign up process you have
the right to cancel NewPower electric service without penalty within three
business days of your receipt of the terms and conditions. To contact us
with questions or to cancel, please see the information listed below.

NewPower delivers many other benefits as well. You'll also receive special
ongoing offers on Smart Home Solutions that can help bring technological
innovation, security and additional savings to your household. So New Power
can help brighten your life in several ways - not just today, but in the
months to come. And that can be pretty powerful.

In the meantime, you'll find the Terms & Conditions of being a NewPower
customer with your Welcome Kit. If you would like to learn more, check out
the Questions section at our web site www.newpower.com (America Online
Keyword: NewPower) or call us at 1-800-NEWPOWER between 7 am and 9 pm Eastern

Once again, thank you for joining NewPower, we look forward to serving you
in the future.

For Service Inquiries:

E-mail us at support@newpower.com or visit our website at www.newpower.com.

For information about NewPower service in your area, call:
1-877-819-9817 [HL&P customers]
1-877-819-9816 [TXU customers]
Fax 1-877-527-5218

Postal Address:
The New Power Company
P.O. Box 563985
Charlotte, NC 28256