Enron Mail

Subject:Eyeforenergy Announces Next European Events
Date:Wed, 7 Nov 2001 07:37:31 -0800 (PST)

Eyeforenergy is pleased to announce the latest in its series of trading
events for the energy community. Taking place from the 19-21st of
February, 3 key, strategic events will be co-located in Amsterdam
offering delegates the opportunity to network with all the right people:

EEO Europe: Energy Trading in the New Economy

EEO Europe is the third in our successful energy trading series and
the first time we're running the event in Europe. Addressing the core
issues for energy traders such as: counterparty risk in online trading,
online security, the changing role of the energy broker, and mitigating
corporate risk, this conference will bring together Europe's leading
companies taking advantage of the deregulating energy markets. The energy
trading arena in Europe is changing at lightening speed--what was true
yesterday won't be true tomorrow. Consolidating exchanges, new entrants to
the market, the latestsoftware developments--do you know where you
stand?--and do you know where your competitors stand?

For full information simply go to: www.eyeforenergy.com/eurotrading

Weather Trading Europe 2002

Weather derivatives have become the latest tool for Energy companies
to handle to their risk. Are you familiar with how weather futures and
insurance can help you avoid getting caught out? Do you know where you
can trade energy and who's offering the data you need to make your
decisions? These questions as well as a full discussion of the latest
weather trading strategies will be on offer at the event. It'll be your
opportunity to discover how to take advantage of this growing opportunity.

Full details can be found at: www.eyeforenergy.com/weather

Emissions Trading Europe 2002

Clearly emissions trading options are ripe for the picking - so how
can you make sure you're ready to profit from GHG? Let's face it -you
can't really afford not to be, especially as the World Bank has estimated
demand in the international GHG trading system to be in the order of
US$20 billion per annum by 2010. What do you need to do to take advantage
of this new opportunity? Who's leading the way?

To find out the latest go to: www.eyeforenergy.com/emissions

This will be the biggest European trading event of the year. Don't miss out!
To find out more go to the website or drop us a line at: info@eyeforenergy.com

Allison Robertshaw
[p] +44 (0)20 7375 7570
[f] +44 (0)20 7375 7511
[e] arobertshaw@eyeforenergy.com