Enron Mail

Subject:FW: Financial Times Global Energy Awards deadline extended
Date:Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:10:44 -0700 (PDT)

[IMAGE] =09

=09 In light of=
Tuesday's tragedies in the U.S., the deadline for nominations has been ex=
tended until Friday, September 21, 2001. Our thoughts and prayers are with=
the victims, their families, and everyone affected by these horrific acts=
. Nominations are being accepted in 14 categories including: [IMAGE] Mos=
t Promising Pre-Commercial Technology Development [IMAGE]of the Year [IMA=
GE] Community Service Program of the Year [IMAGE] Overall Marketing Campa=
ign of the Year [IMAGE] Environmental Practice of the Year [IMAGE] Success=
ful Investment Decision of the Year [IMAGE] Strategic Merger of the Year =
[IMAGE] Renewables Company of the Year [IMAGE] Most Successful Strategy S=
hift of the Year [IMAGE] Coal Company of the Year [IMAGE] Oil and Gas Com=
pany of the Year [IMAGE] Power Company of the Year [IMAGE] Corporate Energ=
y Manager of the Year [IMAGE] CEO of the Year [IMAGE] Energy Company of =
the Year To submit your nomination or for more information, go to http://=
www.globalenergyawards.com . For more information, please call. Toll-fre=
e from the US 800-424-2908 Direct +1 720-548-5700 Free phone from the UK =
0800-169-3773 Direct +44 207 896-2241 [IMAGE] If you wish to unsubs=
cribe from this and ALL other Platts (formerly known as FT Energy) promoti=
ons, click here and type UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line, then send. =
=09 =09
