Enron Mail |
I look forward to our call Thursday regarding the Enron position on electric reliability legislation and NERC's role. Here is a marked up copy as well as a clean copy showing the latest proposal that we would expect NERC to offer up. This is apparently still a very different approach from that proposed by PJM. Regards, John -----Original Message----- From: David Cook [mailto:David.Cook@nerc.net] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 10:30 AM To: jqa@mediaone.net Cc: Dave Nevius Subject: reliability legislation John, This is the shorter version of the reliability language that is under discussion. It's redlined to show the changes from the longer version. It was developed by lawyers for EEI, APPA and the Canadian Electricity Association, with our encouragement and advice. In the Senate hearing last week I told Senator Bingaman that I thought we could develop shorter language that still contained the essentials we need for an SRO. I believe this draft would do that. We've asked for comment from all concerned by tomorrow. Early returns indicate that all who support the current language will also support the shorter version. It is unclear whether we will pick up any additional supporters (like ELCON, Enron, or EPSA), although some of them have said the draft is a step in the right direction. Thanks for your help. Dave office: 609-452-8060 cell: 609-915-3063 david.cook@nerc.net <<Discussion draft, 071901.DOC<< - Discussion draft, 071901.DOC - Draft short legis 7-31-01.DOC