Enron Mail

Subject:FactSet Enhances Communications with Clients
Date:Thu, 8 Nov 2001 07:29:08 -0800 (PST)

Dear Jeff, As you know, FactSet has always taken great pride in its clo=
se relationships with its clients. By providing around-the-clock consultin=
g services, extensive product training and foregoing contracts as a part of=
our business model, we always try to put the users needs first. Along th=
ese lines, we also recognize the importance of communicating more effective=
ly the value added enhancements we continue to make to FactSet. We soon pla=
n to include the use of email to notify you of upcoming events and new prod=
ucts that you may find of interest. Also planned is distribution of our qu=
arterly newsletter, Query , electronically so that the valuable information=
covered gets to you as quickly and efficiently as possible. We respect y=
our privacy regarding marketing messages via email. If you welcome period=
ic email from FactSet regarding product news, upcoming webcasts and trainin=
g shows, there is no need to respond to this email. You will be automatical=
ly enrolled in this program, and will have the ability to opt-out at any ti=
me. While a number of our clients have already requested promotional mate=
rials electronically, we recognize that not everyone feels the same way. I=
f you do not wish to receive email from us in the future, please click here=
now to permanently remove yourself from our email list. We hope you fin=
d FactSet's use of email to enhance our client relationships beneficial. If=
you have any questions regarding FactSet's plans to keep you informed via =
email, please feel free to contact me at 203.356.3797 or dfrankel@factset.c=
om . Thank you for your continued use and support of FactSet! Sincerely, =
David A. Frankel Vice President, Director, Marketing =09