Enron Mail |
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: lgaertner@evansgrp.com@ENRON X-To: billymont@aol.com, dougs@senterracorp.com, Skilling, Jeff </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JSKILLIN<, larry.delpapa@delpapabud.com, sfordham@netversant.com, smarnoy@ophouston.com, michaelm@morgangroup.com X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \JSKILLIN (Non-Privileged)\Inbox X-Origin: Dasovich-J X-FileName: JDASOVIC (Non-Privileged).pst Final Reminder: Please complete your online YPO Forum Diagnostic Survey response today. Bill Evans will be discussing your survey results with your forum when he meets with you October 24-26. It is important that your forum has a 100% response rate. Go to https://www.ypoforumdiagnosticsurvey.com/Login Please ensure that your email and password are all lowercase, and then click on the underlined word "Login" Password: forum2 (If you are the forum moderator, you will use your MODERATOR password.) On the next page click on "click here to complete your survey" Upon completing your responses, you will reach a confirmation page. If you still have difficulty, provide me with your fax number, and I'd be glad to fax the questionnaire to you. Thank you, Lisa Gaertner The Evans Group 5050 Quorum Drive, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75254 972.788.4424 972.788.4941 fax http://www.evansgrp.com