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Thank you for joining us at The Houston Technology Forum on Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed hearing the distinguished panel speak about Technology Trends Affecting Houston's Future. Copies of Michael Capellas' and Dr. John Mendelsohn's PowerPoint presentations are available on Houston Technology Center's web site. Visit www.houstontech.org and click on "Presentation Materials" in the menu on the left-hand side to download copies. On HTC's web site, you'll also find information about our events, mission & goals, networks and client companies. If you'd like to become more involved in greater Houston's technology community, we encourage you to attend the HTC Meeting of Technology Champions on Friday, June 8. You may click the following link to go straight to the registration page for this event: http://www.houstontech.org/calendar/caldetail.asp?ID=135&DATE=6/8/2001 . Individuals who exhibit their support of HTC's cause to make Houston a better place to start and grow technology companies receive special recognition at our meetings and on our web site. The attached form describes how you can become a Technology Champion. Thanks again, and we look forward to seeing you at future HTC events. Thank you for your interest in the Houston Technology Center Kathy B. Nethercutt Houston Technology Center 1200 Smith, Suite 2940 Houston, TX 77002 Ph: 713.658.1750 Fx: 713.658.1744 www.houstontech.org knethercutt@houstontech.org - Championsform.doc