Enron Mail

Subject:IDC invite you to speak at its Flagship Event
Date:Tue, 15 May 2001 14:50:00 -0700 (PDT)

IDC's Flagship Event:
The European IT Forum 2001 - 11th Edition
Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, 17 and 18 September
"Old and New Worlds Collide in Europe: Will Business Take the Leap?

Dear Mr. Skilling,

Business leaders, market players and media representatives who attend IDC's
European IT Forum each year rate it the most prestigious and authoritative
eBusiness conference in Europe.

Past speakers at our Forum have included global business leaders such as Bill
Gates, Larry Ellison, Scott McNealy, Tim Koogle, Michael Capellas, Sir Peter
Bonfield; Economists and Technology Gurus Nicholas Negroponte, Gary Hamel,
Jeremy Rifkin, George Gilder, Geoffrey Moore; Venture Capitalists, Bankers,
eBusiness Stars and the most senior IDC analysts.

Although we are still several months away from this year's event, we are
pleased to confirm the participation of the following industry leaders: Carly
Fiorina (CEO of HP), Michael Capellas (CEO of Compaq), Jeff Bezos (CEO of
Amazon.com), Joe Tucci (CEO of EMC) and the "gurus" Gary Hamel, Lester Thurow
and Michael Porter.

The key themes this year will be:

- the Internet stock crash and current economic slowdown
- how Internet technologies can help overcome the present financial downturn
- how the economy of established companies and the new order of dot-coms are
- how companies can formulate winning strategies by combining the Internet
with traditional competitive advantages
- how Europe can take advantage of current favorable market conditions to
catch-up with the US
- how investments in Internet infrastructures and eCommerce will drive a
major economic development worldwide over the next decade

We would be honoured if you would accept our invitation to speak at this
important event during the breakout session entitled: "eBusiness Strategies for
Brick & Mortars"that will take place on Monday 17 September at 16.00-17.30.

We anticipate a select audience of CEOs and board-level delegates as well as
columnists from key European publications, as well as TV and other broadcast

We hope that you can accept our invitation to present your vision of the future
of the internet economy at IDC's European IT Forum.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Roberto Masiero
President IDC EMEA

(See attached file: IT Forum 2001 agenda13.doc)

- IT Forum 2001 agenda13.doc