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The latest e-Perspectives from the Dallas Fed is now online.
e-Perspectives, Vol. 1, Issue 4 http://www.e-perspectives.org In this issue... ================================================================== Remarks by speakers at the Dallas Fed Conference "New Roads & e-Roads: Market Innovations in Community Development" ================================================================== * "Seeking Common Ground Through E-Mail (and Finding Our Hardheaded Hearts)" by Bob McTeer, Dallas Fed President and CEO * "The Basis of Economic Development in the Inner City: Why Civic Order Must Come First" by Robert L. Woodson, Sr., Founder and President, National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise * "21st Century Demographics: Community Development and Financial Services" by Lautaro Diaz, Deputy Vice President for Community Development, National Council of La Raza ================ Did You Know?? ================ * 2000 HMDA data are now available on the FFIEC web site. * Look for links to resources such as the Texas Low Income Housing Counselor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You have received this message because you subscribe to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Community Affairs announcement list. To unsubscribe, send a blank message to perspectives-off@mail-list.com To change your e-mail address, send a message to perspectives-change@mail-list.com with your old address in the subject line For questions or comments, please contact us at Dal.CommunityAffairs@dal.frb.org. This message was launched into cyberspace to jeff.skilling@enron.com