Enron Mail

Subject:Latest e-Perspectives now online
Date:Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:01:29 -0800 (PST)

The latest e-Perspectives from the Dallas Fed is now online.

e-Perspectives, Vol. 1, Issue 4

In this issue...

Remarks by speakers at the Dallas Fed Conference
"New Roads & e-Roads: Market Innovations in Community Development"
* "Seeking Common Ground Through E-Mail (and Finding Our Hardheaded
Hearts)" by Bob McTeer, Dallas Fed President and CEO

* "The Basis of Economic Development in the Inner City: Why Civic
Order Must Come First" by Robert L. Woodson, Sr., Founder and
President, National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise

* "21st Century Demographics: Community Development and Financial
Services" by Lautaro Diaz, Deputy Vice President for Community
Development, National Council of La Raza

Did You Know??
* 2000 HMDA data are now available on the FFIEC web site.
* Look for links to resources such as the Texas Low Income Housing

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