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[IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Dear Jeffrey, You're invited to discover how you can achieve your organization's most crucial goals to help you quickly maximize your ROI. On November 29th, Vignetteand IBMwill provide the insight you need to: * Maximize Web infrastructure investments * Integrate technologies * Enhance revenue and increase productivity * Strengthen customer, employee and partner relationships The seminar features presentations by recognized industry leaders, IT and business breakout sessions and product demonstrations. Space is limited, so register online at www.vignette.com/worldtour or by calling 866.844.6383. Don't miss this unique opportunity to maximize ROI with your e-strategy. See you on November 29th, Vignette Corporation Vignette respects your online time and privacy. If you wish to no longer receive e-mails from us please click here to be removed and press send. [IMAGE]