Enron Mail

Subject:Mourning the sudden, tragic death of WTN member, Danny Lewin...
Date:Thu, 27 Sep 2001 04:54:11 -0700 (PDT)

Dear WTN Members, WTN Associates, and other WTN friends,

On behalf of the membership of the World Technology Network, I wish to
express deep, deep condolences to the family, friends, and colleagues of
one of our members, Daniel C. Lewin, aged 31, who perished on 11
September on American Airlines Flight 11 as it was deliberately crashed
into the World Trade Center in New York.

Over a year ago, Danny (along with, Tom Leighton, his fellow co-founder
of Akamai Technologies) was inducted into the WTN membership as a
co-Finalist for the World Technology Award for Commerce. All those who
are even nominated for a World Technology Award, such as yourself, are
singled out for doing work of "the greatest likely long-term
significance." It is, therefore, even more tragic and non-sensical that
a person such as Danny, who so purposefully engaged in a process of
hopeful and innovative creativity, should be a victim of an act of such
purposeful negation of innocent life.

We mourn all of the victims of the constellation of tragedies that
occurred on September 11th and, in particular, we re-salute you, Mr.
Lewin. The world will miss you. Your life was clearly already marking
the future. I suspect somehow it now shall do so even more.


James P. Clark
The World Technology Network

74 Chelsea Manor Street
London SW3 5QD, United Kingdom
email: jpclark@wtn.net
web: www.wtn.net