Enron Mail |
TO: HOUSTON ANGEL NETWORK FROM: MICHELLE WEISBLATT AND KERRY BROOKS All, Please see the attached information regarding an Angel event coming up this Saturday in the Woodlands. This event is not a HAN event, however some of you might be interested in attending. Also, please mark your calendars for our next HAN meeting on October 17, from 7:30-9:00 (registration from 7:00-7:30), at the Houstonian. More specific details regarding registration information and presenting companies will follow within the next 7-10 days. Thank you. Thank you for your interest in the Houston Technology Center Kathy B. Nethercutt Houston Technology Center 1200 Smith, Suite 2940 Houston, TX 77002 Ph: 713.658.1750 Fx: 713.658.1744 www.houstontech.org knethercutt@houstontech.org - HARC review 9-15-01.doc