Enron Mail

Subject:New e-Perspectives from Dallas Fed
Date:Thu, 19 Jul 2001 16:17:57 -0700 (PDT)

Vol. 1, Issue 3
Community Affairs
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas


In this issue...

Did You Know...?

The Community Reinvestment Act regulation is being reviewed by the
regulatory agencies. The Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is
available online in "Did You Know...?" The CRA review will be
discussed at the "New Roads and e-Roads" conference on August 23-24.

Building for Special Needs in East Texas

Pineywoods HOME Team worked with Regions Bank, Moore Building
Associates and TDHCA to develop 20 affordable single-family rental
houses in Lufkin and Nacogdoches.

Survey of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Properties

Beginning in 2002, the 15-year affordability period will end for
10,000 units of LIHTC housing developed in Texas from 1987 to 1989.
The Dallas Fed surveyed owners to determine if the properties will
remain affordable, providing useful information on the future of these

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