Enron Mail

Date:Fri, 22 Jun 2001 13:18:41 -0700 (PDT)

Dear Jeff,
Heard about the pie episode today in California. From all the press
accounts I've read, it sounds like you handled what had to be a difficult
situation admirably and, in the immediate wake such adolesence, still
managed to clearly and articulately make your case about what's been going
on out there. Congratulations---hats off to you, Jeff. I am glad you
weren't hurt--please, Jeff, stay safe!
Have been following the whole California situation as best I can and
have been glued to the recent hearings on the subject in D.C. via C-SPAN.
They've made a mess of it and I don't envy you having to deal with that
whole situation.
The picture with you and Jeffrey from the Inaguration is terrific and
sits on my table at home. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and pass my
thanks along to Sherri for mailing it. That whole trip was special and it
was an absolute joy to see Jeffrey.
Heard wonderful reports from Sue on the trip to Mark's wedding in
Istanbul. Would have loved to have been there and I told Mark so.
Take care of yourself, Jeff. I'm thinking of you through all this!