Enron Mail

Subject:Receive a FREE Exhibit Pass and a FREE Golf-Swing Analysis Courte
Date:Thu, 4 Oct 2001 16:05:04 -0700 (PDT)

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[IMAGE] =09

=09 So how's your golf swing? Platts invite you to get that slice, hoo=
k, or entire golf stroke fixed by the Swing Doctor at Power Mart '01for fre=
e! Just drop by the Platts Pavilion (a huge mega-booth at the front of the=
hall-you can't miss it). The Swing Doctor himself, Fred Collins, will be t=
here on October 16 from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on October 17 between 1=
1:30 and 6:00. Call 800-424-2908 before October 8, 2001, to receive your Co=
mplimentary Exhibit Pass. Fred founded Golf Perfection, wrote The Constant=
s of the Swing, and is one of only 116 Master Teaching Professionals certif=
ied by the PGA-ever. He'll analyze your swing and give you the same kind of=
attention he gives to top pros. All for free! And while you're shaving s=
trokes off your handicap, pick up some sample copies of our publications, l=
ike Gas Daily, Megawatt Daily, Transportation & Storage Hub, Generation Wee=
k, and all the rest. Meet some of our editors (the smart folks who bring yo=
u the info you rely on) and shmooze a little about the state of the marketp=
lace-maybe even pick up some tips there, too. So plan to spend a few minu=
tes with Fred. He'll make a difference in your golf game, just like Platts =
News Publications make a difference in your business. Not registered for =
Power Mart yet? Then do it now-everything you need is below. Register Toda=
y Three easy ways to register: 1. Call 800-424-2908 (toll-free within the U=
.S.) or 720-548-5700 (direct) 2. E-mail conferences@ftenergy.com 3. Visit=
http://www.powermart.com/customize.asp Visit http://www.powermart.com fo=
r more information [IMAGE] =09 =09
=09 Priority Code 723 If you wish to unsubscribe from this and ALL =
other Platts promotions, click here and type UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject li=
ne, then send. =09 =09