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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Hema@Izhuta.com@ENRON <IMCEANOTES-Hema+40Izhuta+2Ecom+40ENRON@ENRON.com< X-To: Skilling, Jeff </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JSKILLIN< X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \JSKILLIN (Non-Privileged)\Inbox X-Origin: Dasovich-J X-FileName: JDASOVIC (Non-Privileged).pst Dear Jeff, Speed, flexibility, and round-the-clock productivity are the hallmarks of Izhuta Software Development Outsourcing Services. Our fast and flexible on/off site, offshore 24x7 delivery model lends itself to a full spectrum of outsourcing services - from applications maintenance, development, and modernization to full technology outsourcing, including data center operations. We can offer Enron Corp Our Certified Microsoft and Sun/Java professionals are available at $18/hr to work on your projects.We have nearly 500 employees and state of the art development facilities. Our Technology and Development centers in India are considered the "crown jewel" of Izhuta and is a key distinguisher for you. http://www.Izhuta.com/OutSourcingFAQs.asp Over the years, our Global Technology Centers (GTCs) in India have achieved an impressive record of project accomplishments for our U.S., European, and Asian customers. Our Innovation Centers (IC's) and GTC's offer the following capabilities for our customers: a.. Custom Application Development b.. Application Development and Maintenance Outsourcing c.. Application Re-engineering Services d.. Data Migration and Porting Services e.. 24x7 Help Desk/ Call Center Support Services Although all of our services can be accomplished in one of our U.S. Innovation Center's, our customers gain significant added value by utilizing the power of our offshore Global Technology Center capabilities. Please visit http://www.izhuta.com/home/Save75Percent.asp This 24x7 development and delivery model enables Izhuta to scale project staffing rapidly to meet client needs, to engage in concurrent development and to employ a virtual 24-hour work day on client projects. Jeff , Please let us know if we can set a quick meeting to discuss these details. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards, Hema Malini Hema@Izhuta.com Phone: 1 800 485 7004 ext 202 http://www.Izhuta.com