Enron Mail |
Dear Jeff, Had a send a note to tell you I'm thinking of you and hope you're well. Heard the news at work late yesterday (Wednesday). I don't know the details of this but it was a tough call, I'm sure, and I'm in your corner all the way. As I've told you, you have made all of us so proud and I love you very much. I know I'll learn more about all that's transpired but wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. This has undoubtedly been a period of much thought, soul searching and reflection. I'm going to get you up to Alaska, yet. Tried to interest Jeffrey during our January meeting. The region is just gorgeous! A Chicago Federal Appeals Court judge, of all people---a gentleman by the name of Frank Easterbrook---has just in the past 6 months bought the condo unit next to mine in Girdwood. Had a chance to meet him for the first time when I was up in June. His brother, Greg, has authored a phenomenal and, perhaps most remarkably, balanced book on the environment. To have that subject addressed in a balanced way is an anomaly in this day and age, and yet this guy has managed to do it. I'm still wading through it in those moments I get a chance to sit down and actually read a book. 35 beautiful wooded acres have just come on the market in Girdwood--something I thought would never happen---and I've made a bid for them. We'll see. Will let you know how that goes. Love you, Jeff, and please be safe and well through all of this. Say hello to Rebecca for me! Tom