Enron Mail

Subject:Update on Financial Markets
Date:Sat, 15 Sep 2001 04:26:57 -0700 (PDT)

Charles Schwab =09

As of Friday, September the 14th the markets are preparing to reopen Monday=
, September 17. The financial exchanges and brokerage firms, including S=
chwab, are conducting extensive system testing over the weekend to ensure s=
mooth operation Monday.=09 Important Information: Financial market update =
and FAQs related to recent events Information on Order Types Market Vol=
atility =09
=09What to Expect on Monday As we have communicated earlier, there may be=
some short- term price volatility when the market opens. Accordingly, you=
may want to consider whether to use a limit order or a market order when p=
lacing a trade. (Click here for more information on order types). In addi=
tion, with potential strains on systems due to heavy volumes, you may expe=
rience operational or execution delays. (Click here for more information o=
n market volatility). We are Here to Help All necessary steps have been=
taken to ensure the continued normal functioning of Schwab's systems and o=
perations. We stand ready to assist you with questions, advice and servici=
ng needs. You can call us at 1-800-435-4000 seven days a week, 24 hours a =
day, access our schwab.com website, or visit a Schwab office near you. A=
s an industry and as a firm, we have successfully worked through challengin=
g markets in the past and are here today helping to ensure your financial s=
ecurity and success, now and in the future. We will monitor the situation=
closely. We encourage you to check schwab.com and listen to news reports=
for up-to-the minute information. Notice: All email sent to or from Cha=
rles Schwab corporate email system may be retained, monitored and/or review=
ed by Schwab personnel. For your protection, we are unable to accept ins=
tructions to change your email address sent in reply to this message. To up=
date your address , please log in to your account using the link below. Fro=
m there you will be able to update your email information securely. ? 20=
01 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Member SIPC/NYSE. (0901-=