Enron Mail

Subject:Web cast of Jeffrey Skilling's Keynote Speech at Darden's Batten
Date:Sun, 29 Jul 2001 10:07:56 -0700 (PDT)

Cc: alhamd.alkhayat@enron.com, debbie.fisher@enron.com,
elizabeth.o'halloran@enron.com, karen.marshall@enron.com,
ursula.brenner@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com,
melinda.mccarty@enron.com, sherri.sera@enron.com,
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Bcc: alhamd.alkhayat@enron.com, debbie.fisher@enron.com,
elizabeth.o'halloran@enron.com, karen.marshall@enron.com,
ursula.brenner@enron.com, christie.patrick@enron.com,
melinda.mccarty@enron.com, sherri.sera@enron.com,
X-From: "Bruner, Robert" <BRUNERR@Darden.virginia.edu<@ENRON <IMCEANOTES-+22Bruner+2C+20Robert+22+20+3CBRUNERR+40Darden+2Evirginia+2Eedu+3E+40ENRON@ENRON.com<
X-cc: Alkhayat, Alhamd </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=AALKHAY<, Fisher, Debbie <FISHERD@Darden.virginia.edu<, O'Halloran, Elizabeth <OHalloranE@darden.virginia.edu<, Marshall, Karen </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=NOTESADDR/CN=95DA25F6-8B5DA5B5-862567E8-57CAB4<, Brenner, Ursula </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=UBRENNER<, Patrick, Christie </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=CPATRIC<, Mccarty, Melinda </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=MMCCARTY<, Sera, Sherri </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=SREINAR<, Williamson, Joannie </O=ENRON/OU=NA/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JWILLIA1<
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Dear Jeff:
< The editing process has been completed on your Batten Dinner keynote
< speech and your interview with me, Professors Bodily, Liedtka, and
< Teisberg. I am delighted to announce that both are now available for
< viewing on the Batten web site. The finished product is impressive, and I
< think you will be happy with it. Please take a look at:
< http://www.darden.virginia.edu/batten/index.htm.
< This web cast is the first in Batten's Electronic Series on Leadership and
< Transformation. It is the Institute's intent to produce these web casts
< on an on-going basis as a means of creating permanent "footprints" from
< all of its research and educational programs. Batten hopes that they will
< serve both as additional intellectual resources within the School and as
< reflections of Darden's research activity externally. As part of our
< mission to "foster pioneering thought and practice for creating, leading,
< and transforming business enterprise," we have shared this web cast with
< the Darden community and will forward it to Darden alumni and friends of
< the School in the next week. It is our hope that you have an audience
< that you would like to share the site with, also.
< Jeff, again I extend my thanks to you for generating the content for this
< web cast and for sharing your valuable time with us. Compliments are still
< coming in about the elegant and stimulating evening of May 25th. My
< appreciation also goes to Christie Patrick, Ursula Brenner, Hamd Alkhayat,
< Sherri Sera, Joannie Williamson, Melinda McCarty, and Karen Marshall who
< all made special efforts to arrange for your visit to Charlottesville.
< Cheers,
< Bob
< ---------------------------------------------------------------
< Robert F. Bruner
< Distinguished Professor of Business Administration
< and Executive Director of the Batten Institute
< Darden Graduate School of Business Administration
< University of Virginia
< Box 6550
< Charlottesville, Virginia 22906
< Tel.: 804-924-4802
< Fax: 804-243-7678
< Website: http://faculty.darden.edu/brunerb/
< MAILTO:brunerr@darden.virginia.edu
< <<Robert F. Bruner (E-mail).vcf<<

- Robert F. Bruner (E-mail).vcf