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More Okie Betas [IMAGE][IMAGE]Here I am 50 years old and what have I done with my life? We= ll I do have the Double-Wide , and the little lady Patsy Joe Dale Bob. And= the illegitimate children. Caroline JoeDale Bob on who I spent all my alum= inum can money , sending her to Boston College, & Holly JoeDale Bob who wil= l use up the winnings from the chicken fights sending her to college in Sou= th Carolina, then there is little Tommy Joe Dale Bob who takes after me; he= gets the Double wide when I'm gone, and special Janie Jane Jane Joe Dale = Bob our baby who works down at the A&W to support our propane usage. But = surely there is more to Life. Had I not consumed all those free beers at G= ordos I would have had more of those brain cells and I too could have been = as successful as the Betas that followed me. I feel so inadequate when I am= invariably compared to the likes of Strobes, Dent, Rocky, and you know th= ere's Drow plus that most successful Clay Coburn. I will feel like the imp= udent Senior Citizen I am when Johnny Miller pulls up the Internet link to = his front-page success article and the others in the class of the class of = 75. I can only hope Beek, my little brother Bless his heart, will send me = a Good pornographic joke. =20 AND Gall Darn It I forgot two other OKIE Betas Thems Robert Margo , Joe Pa= rks and Paul Porter. Yahoo! Groups Sponsor=09 ADVERTISEMENT [IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE]=09 To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: smu-betas-unsubscribe@egroups.com =20 Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.=20 - image001.jpg