Enron Mail

Subject:[smu-betas] new members
Date:Mon, 1 Oct 2001 18:22:22 -0700 (PDT)

Gamma Omega Beta Bros.,

Greetings from colorful Vermont.

Recently, E.Wooglin.Com has approved 2 requests to be a member of our SMU
Beta Group:

Justin Loweth
A. Carty

I am not familiar with either of these fellows as is the case, I'm sure,
with many of our members. Under the circumstances I thought that it
would be appropriate to ask each of you guys (y'all...if you prefer) to
reply to this message with a message of your own. We want to know who
the hell you are. Please include an introduction and any other
appropriate information that will get us better acquainted.

For your information: We are Gamma Omega Betas. Most of the members
were in the class of '75. There are also members from earlier and later
classes ('72 thru '78). This e-mail group was established to facilitate
continued contact among old friends, providing a forum for organizing
reunions, other get togethers and sharing important "family" information.
Everyone seems to be able to accomplish these tasks with a great deal of
humor and foolishness.

We look forward to becoming acquainted...and hopefully entertained in the


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At Homecoming 2000, the BETA TENT had the biggest crowd by far. Stay connected and consider a future homecoming BETA reunion. It's incredible...forget the 20 years in between...everyone just seems to pick it up right where they left off years ago.

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