Enron Mail

Subject:eSolutions - Next Generation Concepts - Ziff Energy Group
Date:Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:42:19 -0700 (PDT)

Ziff Energy Group presents
eSolutions: Next Generation Concepts
for the E&P Sector
November 7, 2001 Calgary, Alberta
Conference co-sponsored by global leaders in e-business solutions: SAP Canada, Schlumberger Oil & Gas Information Solutions, IBM Canada
How would you like to harness the power of "e" to improve your E&P company's bottom line?
You can.
Attend our eSolutions conference and learn how you can improve your E&P business significantly by leveraging e-technology for operational and financial results. Recognized eSolutions experts will focus on the three key ways in which you can do that:
You know how important efficient processes are to the competitiveness of your business. Nothing helps your people identify and improve internal processes better than e-technology -- from enterprise and e-procurement solutions to collaborative tools and geotechnical systems. eManaged processes are essential for advancement in the new economy. Find out how to do it better, faster and more economically.
You have to stay one step ahead of the competition. To do that, you need to know how others are using e-technology to successfully manage their businesses. Speakers from leading eSolutions providers will share the latest practices of e-enabled companies -- proven practices that are getting results.
Imagine your operations in Alberta and the UK being able to view and discuss real-time data simultaneously. Whether your organization is a large integrated oil and gas company or a small independent producer, your business is at the mercy of market forces. Your ability to communicate information and make decisions quickly will make all the difference in capitalizing on opportunities and acting on problems. Advances in affordable technical tools make it possible by delivering key information, when and where it's needed. Hear about the latest advancements in collaborative e-business tools, as well as amazing developments on the horizon such as the Alberta Supernet.
Ziff Energy's eSolutions conference is being offered in conjunction with its annual North American Gas Strategies Conference, November 5-6, in Calgary. For more information, see our website at www.ziffenergyconferences.com, phone (403) 234-6555 or e-mail us at gasconference@ziffenergy.com