Enron Mail

Subject:h: Eyeforenergy Briefing
Date:Wed, 3 Oct 2001 20:13:05 -0700 (PDT)


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Thursday, October 04, 2001 Issue 38 EDITORIAL A Focus on the latest =
developments in Europe Today's briefing takes a look at what's going on in =
the European energy marketplace. It's been an interesting year...deregulat=
ion, new regulation on renewables, the IPE bought out by the ICE, American =
energy companies staking their claims and European companies crossing the p=
ond. With all the articles written about California's failed experiment wi=
th deregulation, little attention has been focused on how the European coun=
tries have faired in their move to more deregulated markets. And just like=
in the US, the changes in the European market offer a number of opportunit=
ies for companies providing new developments in billing and CRM software, t=
rading solutions, and communications. Two articles below take a look at th=
e state of play in Europe. This also gives us the opportunity to announce o=
ur new European conferences. We'll be bringing the successful Energy Excha=
nges Online event over to Europe, as well as co-locating it with 2 other ev=
ents: Weather Trading 2002 and Emissions Trading 2002 , to provide delega=
tes with the most comprehensive trading event in Europe. To find out more =
simply click on http://www.eyeforenergy.com/branch.shtml --Allison Robert=
shaw, Editor Q&A European Utility Sector: Survival of the Fittest Throu=
gh Mergers & Acquisition Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that c=
omplex and unpredictable results can and often will occur in systems that a=
re sensitive to their initial conditions. Such is the case of today's utili=
ties market as companies face increased demands for profits from shareholde=
rs while consumers are keenly aware of choices brought on by deregulation a=
nd increased competition. It is a harsh environment for an industry accust=
omed to operating in an inflexible, monopolistic manner. The information ag=
e has spawned a more knowledgeable, more demanding consumer, forcing modern=
utilities to adapt quickly to change, and forge new alliances, in some cas=
es with old enemies, through... Click here for Full Story INSIGHT EU D=
eregulation: Out of Chaos Comes Order The European Union is moving quickl=
y toward deregulating and privatizing electrical utilities. The move will a=
llow power companies to sell electricity throughout the Union and will give=
consumers more choice about where they get their power and how much they p=
ay for it. Regulation, Deregulation and Reregulation At its core there is =
really no such thing as deregulation. There is simply the re-regulation of =
old economies and sectors. That is the state of affairs as Europe continues=
its somewhat rocky march to energy deregulation. Restructuring, privatizat=
ion... Click here for Full Story ADVERTISEMENT [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy Gre=
en Convention 2001 Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels 5-6 November 2001In light of ne=
w EU Directives which aim to double green power's share of the electricity =
requirement in Europe to 22.1% by 2010, we are very pleased that Johannes M=
aters of the Commission will deliver this event's opening address, discussi=
ng the Commission's role in promoting the use of renewable energy. He heads=
a formidable programme of speakers from Europe's energy majors who will be=
presenting their strategies for commercial green success, including repres=
entatives of BP, Enron, Nuon, Erga, RWE Power, JP Morgan and many more. For=
full programme and speaker details, click here [IMAGE] Landmark Graphic=
s and Petroleum Place -- Accelerating Business Efficiency Landmark Graphics=
and Petroleum Place Delivers Enormous Efficiencies within Acquisition and =
Divestiture. How? Through online delivery of data and evaluation tools with=
in an APS environment to afford dramatic efficiencies for both sellers and =
buyers. Visit www.petroleumplace.com [IMAGE] NEWS ROUND UP - WEEK IN REV=
IEW Commodities Now honours Women in the Energy Industry To acknowledge=
the development of the role of women in industry, Commodities Now is honou=
ring women in the energy industry who have made an exceptional contribution=
to their marketplace. Commodities Now will host a survey and awards ceremo=
ny to honour the women YOU nominate. Winners and honourees are not selected=
based on the number of votes they receive but instead on the strength of t=
he nomination. So, every nomination counts. Nominations can be for women w=
orking in ANY sector of the energy industry globally, in any job, with hono=
urs being given for the display of particular characteristics or skills in =
their work. Nominations will be divided into the following categories: Lead=
ership; Innovation and creativity; Vision;... Click here for Full Story S=
PL WorldGroup Supports Siebel 7 for Competitive Energy Markets Worldwide =
Morristown, NJ - October 1, 2001 - SPL WorldGroup, the leading provider of =
customer management solutions to the global energy, water and waste managem=
ent industries, today announced its support for Siebel 7, the seventh major=
release of Siebel eBusiness Applications from Siebel Systems Inc., (Nasdaq=
: SEBL), the world's leading provider of eBusiness applications software. =
The integration between Siebel 7 and SPL 's flagship product CorDaptix, whi=
ch will be validated within 90 days of general release, will provide organi=
zations with complete eBusiness solutions that increase productivity, maxim=
ize revenue and profit... Click here for Full Story BG Enters, Enron Leav=
es Indian Upstream Market in $388 Million Deal In a deal valued at some $=
388 million BG, the UK oil and gas group purchased Enron's upstream assets =
in India. The deal is a further sign of Enron's retreat from the region an=
d comes as the group is attempting to withdraw from the $2.8bn Dabhol power=
plant following a payment dispute with Maharashtra state. Having had a pre=
sence in India for 10 years, BG has concentrated its activities on gas dist=
ribution... Click here for Full Story Congress Puts Wind Energy Tax Credi=
t Back on the Table In the wake of the September 11 terrorists attacks th=
e U.S. Congress is considering an economic stimulus package that will likel=
y include an extension of the wind energy Production Tax Credit (PTC). Alt=
hough a decision is not expected until later this month it is expected expi=
ring tax credits will be extended for a period on one year. The package und=
er consideration may also include a separate investment tax credit for smal=
l wind turbines. The industry trade organization AWEA continues... Click he=
re for Full Story e-Acumen launches WeatherBook, a breakthrough weather r=
isk management platform with industry-leading analytics e-Acumen, Inc. ha=
s launched the core module of WeatherBook?, a quantitative weather risk ma=
nagement platform that prices weather derivatives and simulated portfolios =
using a highly advanced, proprietary simulation algorithm. Unlike other pro=
ducts on the market, WeatherBook effectively captures the multiple scales o=
f variability in climate data, as well as... Click here for Full Story Tw=
o New WindPower Projects Deliver Renewable Energy to California; Expected t=
o Produce Enough Energy to Power More Than 40,000 Homes SeaWest WindPower=
, Inc. and PG?National Energy Group (PG?NEG) today announced that the 44.4=
-megawatt Mountain View Power Partners I and the 22.2-megawatt Mountain Vie=
w Power Partners II wind energy projects near Palm Springs, Calif., have be=
gun commercial operation, delivering clean, renewable power to California c=
ustomers. PG?NEG is part of San Francisco-based PG?Corporation... Click her=
e for Full Story The Structure Group named Houston's sixth fastest-growin=
g private company at annual Houston 100
awards luncheon The Structure Group, an international software and consu=
lting company providing integrated solutions for the deregulated energy ind=
ustry, was recently recognized as the sixth fastest-growing private company=
in Houston. One of 100 companies spotlighted at the 12th annual Houston 1=
awards luncheon Friday, September 28, at the George R. Brown Convention Ce=
nter, Structure was the largest company in the top 10. Structure's net sale=
s increase from 1999 to 2000 was 380 percent. Since its founding in April 1=
998... Click here for Full Story Latest News Now! [IMAGE] EDIT=
ORIAL [IMAGE] A Focus on the latest developments in Europe ARTICLES [IMAG=
E] European Utility Sector: Survival of the Fittest Through Mergers & Acqui=
sition [IMAGE] EU Deregulation: Out of Chaos Comes Order NEWS ROUND UP [I=
MAGE] Commodities Now honours Women in the Energy Industry [IMAGE] SPL Wor=
ldGroup Supports Siebel 7 for Competitive Energy Markets Worldwide < [IMAG=
E] BG Enters, Enron Leaves Indian Upstream Market in $388 Million Deal [IM=
AGE] Congress Puts Wind Energy Tax Credit Back on the Table [IMAGE] e-Acum=
en launches WeatherBook, a breakthrough weather risk management platform wi=
th industry-leading analytics [IMAGE] Two New WindPower Projects Deliver R=
enewable Energy to California; Expected to Produce Enough Energy to Power M=
ore Than 40,000 Homes [IMAGE] The Structure Group named Houston's sixth fa=
stest-growing private company at annual Houston 100
awards luncheon EVENTS [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy Asia 2001 [IMAGE] Green=
Convention 2001 [IMAGE] EEO Europe - Energy Trading in the New Economy =
[IMAGE] Emissions Trading 2002 [IMAGE] Weather Trading 2002 SUBSC=
RIBE Please enter your email address below to subscribe to the EyeForEner=
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Energy newsletter please enter your email below. Thank you If you hav=
e any comments about this newsletter or you would like to suggest future to=
pics or industry related news, please email bruno@eyeforenergy.com [IM=
AGE] =09