Enron Mail

Subject:h: Eyeforenergy Briefing
Date:Wed, 19 Sep 2001 12:39:28 -0700 (PDT)


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Thursday, September 20, 2001 Issue 37 EDITORIAL Last week's events =
As most of you may know, Eyeforenergy held its second annual, Energy Exchan=
ges Online conference last week in New Orleans. We'd like to thank the wo=
nderful speakers and sponsors who made the event a very successful one. Fo=
r those of you interested in what went on you can take a look at the presen=
tations which are up on the website here . Normally, after a conference, =
we'd devote the newsletter to a wrap-up of the conference, some major trend=
s we picked out, etc. With the events of the last week, however, we though=
t it fitting that this newsletter focus on the effects wreaked on the energ=
y sector by the recent terrorist attacks. So in the article below you'll g=
et a look at some possible scenarios for the next few months. We'd like t=
o once again extend our sympathy to the members of the Eyeforenergy communi=
ty who have lost friends and colleagues, particularly our friends at Trades=
park and eSpeed. (For those of you interested in making a donation to Cant=
or Fitzgerald, parent company of Tradespark and eSpeed, please go to http:/=
/www.espeed.com/donation.html ) One of the best things about the job we d=
o is the opportunity we get to meet some extraordinary people in the course=
of putting together our events. It makes it all the harder when we know t=
hat we won't be seeing our trusted friends at the next one. --Allison Ro=
bertshaw, Editor FOCUS The Sound of Silence Last week's tragic event=
s struck at the heart of the energy sector and the world will never be the =
same. While some of us lost family, friends, acquaintances and business ass=
ociates, all of us share in the loss. Nationals of 47 countries have been d=
eclared dead or missing and 58 countries report some of their citizens, sai=
d to have been in the United States on September 11, are still among the 5,=
700 unaccounted for. For those of us attending the Energy Exchanges Online=
II conference in New Orleans, it was particularly emotional as we watched =
some of our friends and associates come to the realization that their offic=
es were... Click here for Full Story ADVERTISEMENT [IMAGE] Eyeforener=
gy Asia 2001 - PRIZE DRAW! The Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore 15-17 October 20=
01 There is less than a month to go before Eyeforenergy's October event i=
n Singapore. We've had a tremendous amount of interest in the show already=
and have lined up an unrivalled array of speakers to give cutting-edge pre=
sentations on all the important issues, including Enron, TotalFinaElf, Unoc=
al and Shell. As a special offer, each week will will offer one registered=
attendee a full refund and free ticket for Eyeforenergy Asia 2001! To ent=
er, simply register for the event and be sure to mention "prize draw" when=
you book. For more information about the event, click here or email us .=
[IMAGE] Landmark Graphics and Petroleum Place -- Accelerating Business Ef=
ficiency Landmark Graphics and Petroleum Place Delivers Enormous Efficien=
cies within Acquisition and Divestiture. How? Through online delivery of da=
ta and evaluation tools within an APS environment to afford dramatic effici=
encies for both sellers and buyers. Visit www.petroleumplace.com [IMAGE=
] Eyeforenergy Emissions Trading 2002 Okura Hotel, Amsterdam 19-21 Februar=
y 2002 Emissions trading options are ripe for the picking - so how can yo=
u make sure you're ready to profit from GHG? Let's face it - you can't real=
ly afford not to be, especially as the World Bank has estimated demand in t=
he international GHG trading system to be in the order of US$20 billion per=
annum by 2010. Eyeforenergy is delighted to bring you this event which w=
ill focus on how you can best seize this exciting new market opportunity. A=
s ever the conference will be driven by the industry leaders in this arena =
backed up by expert advice from those helping the industry make the right m=
oves in emissions. For further information, click here [IMAGE] NEWS RO=
UND UP - WEEK IN REVIEW NEG Micon Unveils Wind Turbines at German Fair =
September 17, 2001---NEG Micon will take the wrappers off two new wind turb=
ines at the Windtech Husum wind energy fair being held in Germany September=
18-22. The company announced that one of the turbines was designed for of=
fshore use and the other for onshore use. The onshore turbine is a low-win=
d-optimized 1.5-MW model with active-stall regulation for inland sites, mod=
el number NM82/1500. The offshore turbine is a 2.5-MW turbine, model number=
NM80/2500, with pitch regulation and variable speed for offshore and shore=
line areas with offshore climatic conditions... Click here for Full Story =
Excelergy Introduces Explorer to Deregulated Markets Lexington, Ma., S=
eptember 13, 2001---Excelergy Corp has taken the wrappers off a new product=
designed to resolve the settlement and billing questions and speed up clie=
nt cash flows. Excelergy Partner Explorer streamlines a client's operation=
s while reducing back office costs and improving cash collections. "Excele=
rgy Partner Explorer is another example of how our products are delivering =
open co-action across the entire value chain of restructuring industries - =
in this case... Click here for Full Story Deregulation Draws Players to=
Texas Electric Market September 11, 2001---With deregulation set to begi=
n in January 2002, Texas is proving to be a magnet for the retail power mar=
ket. Centrica plc is the latest to announce their entry into the Texas mark=
et by filing its application for Retail Electric Provider status with the P=
ublic Utility Commission of Texas. Active in Europe, operating under sever=
al well known consumer brands, Centrica moved into North America by acquir=
ing Direct Energy , a Canadian retailer. The company supplies natural gas.=
.. Click here for Full Story RWE Enters U.S. Energy Trading Market RW=
E AG of Germany, in an effort to gain a foothold in the U.S. energy market,=
has created RWE Trading America. RWE AG of Germany, in an effort to gain =
a foothold in the U.S. energy market, has created RWE Trading America. The =
move is a clear indication the company is seeking to build up its energy tr=
ading operations in the United States alongside of its European trading bus=
iness. The new company will... Click here for Full Story ACN Energy L=
everages Excelergy's Software to Multiply Customer Base ACN Energy is tur=
ning to Excelergy Corp., to provide software solutions to expand its offeri=
ngs of electricity, ACN Energy is turning to Excelergy Corp., to provide =
software solutions to expand its offerings of electricity, natural gas and =
related products and services to a rapidly growing number of mass market re=
sidential and small business consumers in multiple jurisdictions nationwide=
. "Partnering... Click here for Full Story University of Arizona Scie=
ntists Seek Ways to Harness Solar Energy The process involves using a thi=
n film of organic molecules that could be cheaper and more efficient than c=
urrent technology. University of Arizona scientists are turning their atte=
ntion to a new method of harnessing solar energy. The process involves usin=
g a thin film of organic molecules that could be cheaper and more efficient=
than current technology. While the organic solar cells are several years a=
way from harvesting... Click here for Full Story Latest News Now! =
Sound of Silence NEWS ROUND UP [IMAGE] NEG Micon Unveils Wind Turbines a=
t German Fair [IMAGE] Excelergy Introduces Explorer to Deregulated Markets=
[IMAGE] Deregulation Draws Players to Texas Electric Market [IMAGE] RWE =
Enters U.S. Energy Trading Market [IMAGE] ACN Energy Leverages Excelergy's=
Software to Multiply Customer Base [IMAGE] University of Arizona Scientis=
ts Seek Ways to Harness Solar Energy EVENTS [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy Asia =
2001 [IMAGE] Green Convention 2001 [IMAGE] EEO Europe - Energy Tradin=
g in the New Economy [IMAGE] Emissions Trading 2002 SUBSCRIBE Ple=
ase enter your email address below to subscribe to the EyeForEnergy newslet=
ter. Thank you UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe from the EyeForEnergy new=
sletter please enter your email below. Thank you If you have any comm=
ents about this newsletter or you would like to suggest future topics or in=
dustry related news, please email bruno@eyeforenergy.com [IMAGE] =