Enron Mail

Subject:h: Eyeforenergy Briefing
Date:Wed, 5 Sep 2001 18:05:11 -0700 (PDT)


[IMAGE]=09[IMAGE]=09=09=09=09[IMAGE][IMAGE] =09

Thursday, September 06, 2001 Issue 36 EDITORIAL Consumers, Consolida=
tion, and Cocktails =
It's been an interesting week for the energy industry. A=
number of recent announcements hint at some long term changes in the way t=
he energy industry will look 15 years from now. International Fuel Cells =
have announced that Woking, UK will be the home of the first commercial fue=
l cell in the UK (for more information on this story see the article below)=
, and Puget Sound Energy is extending their conservation program that take=
s advantage of real-time pricing for consumers. It would seem that the lon=
g-promised benefits of fuel cells are turning the corner and are beginning =
to offer a viable commercial alternative. Consumers are soon to be faced w=
ith even more options on where they get their power from, and with the incr=
easingly ability of utilities to pass on the real costs and benefits of the=
ir power choices, their choice will be an important one. It opens up a wor=
ld where consumers will develop a relationship with their power supplier as=
they're forced to look at where they get their power from and when they us=
e it. It's been a while in the making, and it seems that the recent power =
crises in the States have given it the push it needed to turn the corner. =
As dramatically as the downstream and retail side of the energy industry i=
s set to change in the next 12 months, the wholesale energy market continue=
s to face almost daily changes. One of the articles in this week's briefin=
g is an interview with Canada's Watt-Ex. It would seem that while cross U=
S-Canadian energy trading is developing apace, there are still a number of =
hurdles on both sides of the fence to be overcome. Recent announcements at=
Enron in the past week or two, suggest that Energy's golden boy is having =
a few teething problems... is this the opportunity for rivals like the ICE,=
TradeSpark, and Dynegy to consolidate their recent gains? And what does i=
t mean for exchanges like HoustonStreet and RedMeteor that have been strugg=
ling of late? There's a lot of talk about consolidation and it seems to be=
picking up steam... On a final note, you probably know that the Eyeforen=
ergy team is going to be down in New Orleans next week for our Energy Excha=
nges Online II event. We look forward to seeing some familiar faces and me=
eting some new ones down there, as well as getting all the latest news over=
a hurricane or two. See you in the Big Easy... =
--Allison Robertshaw, Editor Q&A Ene=
rgy Without Borders The web revolution is in full swing and it has hi=
t the energy sector full force. Despite an economic slowdown in the United =
States and other areas of the globe, energy companies continue to flock hea=
dfirst to the Internet. Recently Forrester Research published a well-read r=
eport, "Net Energy Hits Hypergrowth", that predicts online energy trading w=
ill exceed $3.5 trillion by 2005. While the online energy trading world is=
dominated by the likes of EnronOnline , with a reported average daily trad=
ing volume of $3.5 billion, TradeSpark , IntercontinentialExchange... =
Click here for Full Story FOCUS Online Energy Exchanges, A Moving Ta=
rget As deregulation and competition sweep the globe, there is an eve=
r-increasing demand being placed on utilities and energy providers to gathe=
r, manage, analyze and distribute data in creative ways. Widespread merger=
s, consolidation, sell offs and closings have marked the past year, as the =
online energy marketplace has evolved. In the midst of this energy market u=
pheaval, a crop of new Web-based businesses, products and services has emer=
ged to reduce the complexity of deregulation and help manage the pain of sk=
yrocketing energy prices. Exchanges that started life with one product lin=
e aimed at a small group of users, traders and marketers have evolved to th=
e point where they give new meaning to the word "power". Today's exchanges =
serve up a wide range of products from electricity, natural gas, crude oil,=
refined products,... Click here for Full Story ADVERTISEMENT [I=
MAGE] Energy Exchanges Online II: Energy Trading in the New Economy New Orl=
eans, September 10-11 2001 There are now very few spaces left at the prem=
ier energy trading event of the year. New Orleans has proved to be an irres=
istible draw to energy traders from across the country. We're also pleased =
to announce that Bloomberg will be hosting our first night cocktail party a=
t the famous Pat O'Briens. Make sure that you don't miss out on the chanc=
e to network with the key players in the energy trading community! CLICK =
HERE to register for your place, or to find out prices and further informa=
tion, go here . DISCOUNT: Remember, as a newsletter subscriber you get $2=
00 off the registration fee when you book using reference code: 'newsletter=
'! [IMAGE] Landmark Graphics and Petroleum Place -- Accelerating Business=
Efficiency Landmark Graphics and Petroleum Place Delivers Enormous Effic=
iencies within Acquisition and Divestiture. How? Through online delivery of=
data and evaluation tools within an APS environment to afford dramatic eff=
iciencies for both sellers and buyers. Visit www.petroleumplace.com [IM=
AGE] NEWS ROUND UP - WEEK IN REVIEW UK gets its first commercial fuel ce=
ll system A recreational center in Woking, England will become the =
site of the first commercial fuel cell operating in the United Kingdom. All=
an Jones MBE, a featured speaker at the upcoming Business of Fuel Cells for=
Stationary Applications conference in Brussels, says "Installing a fuel ce=
ll is a logical part of our ongoing efforts to promote and use sustainable =
energy sources. We are proud to be the first site in the UK to employ fuel =
cell technology in everyday use..." Click here for Full Story Japa=
n Joint Venture Deploys Power Line Telecommunications A new joint ven=
ture formed by Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc. and ITRAN Communications=
, Ltd. A new joint venture formed by Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc. a=
nd ITRAN Communications, Ltd. ("ITRAN") announce the formation of Linecom, =
Inc., will develop and deploy power line telecommunications systems in Japa=
n. Linecom will leverage Kansai EP's knowledge of power distribution... =
Click here for Full Story CAN Energy Calls on Excelergy to Help Mul=
tiply Customer Base ACN Energy is teaming with Excelergy Corp., to im=
plement the company's open co-action products ACN Energy is teaming with E=
xcelergy Corp., to implement the company's open co-action products in order=
to expand their offerings of electricity, natural gas and related products=
in the rapidly growing mass market residential and small business area. =
Excelergy Corporation will provide ACN... Click here for Full Story =
Enron Broadband Downsizes, Two Top Execs Out Enron's Broadband busi=
ness took another hit last week Enron's Broadband business took another hi=
t last week with the announcement that Ken Rice, 43, chairman and chief exe=
cutive of Enron Broadband services and Kevin Hannon, 41, chief executive of=
Enron Global Assets and Services, have left the company. Hannon had been p=
resident and chief operating... Click here for Full Story TradeSpa=
rk Tops $100 Billion Since Launch in October 2000 New York, August 30=
, 2001---The online marketplace TradeSpark reports that it has transacted $=
100 billion (notational value) in energy products, since its launch in Octo=
ber, 2000. TradeSpark, a "many-to-many" electronic trading platform, powere=
d by eSpeed technology, brings multiple buyers and multiple sellers to one =
neutral, anonymous marketplace to trade natural gas, electricity, coal, nit=
rogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emission credits. TradeSpark offers three =
modes of access to its electronic trading platform -- through a highly secu=
re, dedicated private network that guarantees response times for all trades=
; through TradeSpark's experienced voice brokers; and via the Internet. M=
idway... Click here for Full Story Puget Sound Energy, Alliance Da=
ta Form Alliance, Strengthen Utility Marketplace August 30, 2001----P=
uget Sound Energy and Alliance Data Systems have formed a strategic allianc=
e that will leaverage Alliance's ConsumerLinX software and PSE's customer-i=
nformation software developed by its ConneXtsubsidiary. Alliance Data has =
acquired the assets of ConneXt, including use of the ConsumerLinX software.=
Alliance Data will offer ConsumerLinX as part of its integrated, single-s=
ource customer relationship management solution for large-scale, regulated =
utility clients. Puget Sound Energy is the utility subsidiary of Puget En=
ergy "We feel this new relationship is beneficial for both Alliance Data a=
nd Puget Sound Energy," said Mike Beltz, president of Alliance... Cli=
ck here for Full Story Latest News Now! [IMAGE] EDITORIAL [I=
MAGE] Consumers, Consolidation, and Cocktails ARTICLES [IMAGE] Energy Wi=
thout Borders [IMAGE] Online Energy Exchanges, A Moving Target NEWS ROUN=
D UP [IMAGE] ICE on the Fast Track, Growing Rapidly [IMAGE] Japan Joint V=
enture Deploys Power Line Telecommunications [IMAGE] CAN Energy Calls on =
Excelergy to Help Multiply Customer Base [IMAGE] Enron Broadband Downsize=
s, Two Top Execs Out [IMAGE] TradeSpark Tops $100 Billion Since Launch in=
October 2000 [IMAGE] Puget Sound Energy, Alliance Data Form Alliance, St=
rengthen Utility Marketplace EVENTS [IMAGE] Energy Exchanges Online I=
I [IMAGE] Eyeforenergy Asia 2001 [IMAGE] Green Convention 2001 [IMA=
GE] EEO Europe - Energy Trading in the New Economy [IMAGE] Financial Pu=
blic Relations for the Energy Industry SUBSCRIBE Please enter your =
email address below to subscribe to the EyeForEnergy newsletter. Thank you=
UNSUBSCRIBE To unsubscribe from the EyeForEnergy newsletter ple=
ase enter your email below. Thank you If you have any comments about =
this newsletter or you would like to suggest future topics or industry re=
lated news, please email bruno@eyeforenergy.com [IMAGE] =09