Enron Mail

Subject:Mischer-InterFit Health
Date:Thu, 16 Nov 2000 07:39:00 -0800 (PST)

Dear Jeff,

I have attached for your review the following documents related to InterFit

1. InterFit Health Business Plan Summary.
2. Investor list from our recent offering.
3. Investor letter concerning Sept. and Oct activities.

The current shareholders are composed of Founders 61%, Mischer Healthcare
Services 17%, Round I investors 21%. I personally purchased 14% of Round I.
The investors purchased a convertible preferred and the company may not
incur debt without consent of the preferred holders so it is in effect a
first lien.

The company is initially focused on health screening through blood testing
but I anticipate adding other product lines such as radiology next. The
vision is to become a corporate and consumer full service diagnostic site
with medical records storage along with referral capability to healthcare
providers in major urban markets.

There are several characteristics that interested me in InterFit:

1. Empowering consumers and corporations to take controol of healthcare

2. The confluence of aging baby boomer demographics and their requirements
of diagnostic testing.

3. Application of technology to enable the company's clients to access lower
pricing at their convenience vs the physicians schedule.

4. The rapid growth rate of gene based testing. Quest Diagnostics performs
six million gene based test annually with a current growth rate of 50%
per year.

5. To date there are no direct competitors taking the integrated approach to
diagnostic services.

If you have a interest in investing we would be pleased to have you as a
shareholder. The average investment per holder in round I was $75,000. We
will have a second round closing in June 01.

Enron has used InterFit to provide health screening several times between
1995 and 1999. As we discussed my view is that corporatioons have always
approached screening as a employee benefit but never were given a integrated
solution. My approach is to provide the employee/dependants diagnostic
services, a referral solution for out of range results and storage of
historical medical records. The corporation will receive a generic data base
mapping the health of their employees which can be used to predict disease
and truly risk measure the population. Obviously this will be very useful in
negotiating managed care provider contracts on your actual data versus
getting dumped into their huge data base.

InterFit will be able to address the North American market at launch in
January 2001. The answer to your question regarding England/Europe and South
America is that we need to set up laboratory networks and provider networks
but it can be done.

In closing, I believe Enron would benefit significantly from participating
in our program but it will require senior management committment to a long
term program to reap the benefit of healthcare cost containment.

Thank you for your interest and I will look forward to hearing your



<<InterfitStratFinPres10-00.ppt<< <<investor list.xls<< <<example
letter to investors.doc<<

- InterfitStratFinPres10-00.ppt
- investor list.xls
- example letter to investors.doc