Enron Mail

To:dweekley@dwhomes.com, jeff_hines@hines.com, astein3183@aol.com,abreco@ix.netcom.com, andrews@boxerproperty.com, adeleon@lionforce.com, arthurtei@cooperrig.com, billymont@aol.com, bfaith@greystar.com, brian.becker@sfx.com, cmnjr@tex-trude.com, double
Subject:New Forum
Date:Wed, 9 May 2001 06:39:00 -0700 (PDT)

It was determined by a vote of the Forum Moderators at
our meeting May 8th to form a new Forum (Forum VIII).
This decision was based on the current Forum
membership (81); the number of new members wishing to
participate; and the number of prospective members
currently in process.

The new Forum affords a unique opportunity for
existing members. In an effort to blend the
experience of new members with seasoned Forum members,
we are looking for the following:
a) A member who wishes to change Forums
b) Current Forum member having 3 years or less
eligibility remaining in YPO who would like to
help mentor an additional Forum.

We are considering that this may give a member the
opportunity to interact with other Houston YPOers or
perhaps re-invigorate an individual's Forum

If you have any interest, please contact me by May
22nd. Please know that all questions, thoughts, or
expressions of interest will be held by me in strict

By way of process, the new Forum will participate in
the draw with the other Forums who have indicated they
need members. They will select first in the order.

We trust that this process will give the new Forum an
immediate opportunity to be successful.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Vivian DeJesusAssistant to Craig Lieberman

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