Enron Mail |
The Forum II meeting will take place at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, December 4, at
Vin-De-Garde, located at 3311 Sul Ross (check link below for map). http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?BFCat=&Pyt=Tmap&newFL=Use+Address+Below&addr= 3311+Sul+Ross&csz=Houston%2C+TX&country=us&Get%A0Map=Get+Map Please indicate your attendance below and return to me via e-mail (sherri.sera@enron.com): I will attend ___ I will not attend ___ Additionally, a number of requests have been made to change the date of the March 2001 Forum II meeting (currently scheduled to take place on Monday, March 19). Please indicate your availability on the following dates: Monday, March 12 Yes ___ No ___ Thursday, March 15 Yes ___ No ___ Monday, March 26 Yes ___ No ___ Tuesday, March 27 Yes ___ No ___ Thursday, March 29 Yes ___ No ___