Enron Mail |
Per Jeff's request, I have forwarded the resume you attached to Philippe Bibi, President & CEO of Enron NetWorks. Jeff would be interested in a tour of the building. Would if the afternoon of May 8, at 3:30 would work for your schedule. At Jeff's request, I plan on including Bill Donovan. Thanks, Joannie stanmarek@marekbros.com on 03/14/2001 08:49:41 AM To: jeff.skilling@enron.com cc: Subject: Follow-Up - Brent Larsen Jeff, How's it going in the world of energy? I enjoy reading about you and your adventures. Sounds like you might be having a little fun as well. Attached is a resume from an acquaintance of mine. Nice guy and would be credit to anyone's organization. Thought you might forward it to personnel. Don't forget you've got a lifetime warranty on the drywall in your house. My compliments. Call me if you have any problems. Also I walked your new building last week. Quite impressive, especially what we're having to build on a tight schedule. Should really be nice. If you'd like a personal tour, let me know. I'd love to put you in a hardhat and introduce you to the team that's doing all the work. Would make a great shot for my in-house publication and maybe yours as well. Miss seeing you at our Forum meetings. WPO is not as much fun as YPO. Enjoy it while you can! -Stan ----- Forwarded by Stan Marek/MBS on 03/14/01 08:44 AM ----- "Brent R. Larsen" <brent.larsen@redm To: <stanmarek@marekbros.com< eteor.com< cc: Subject: Follow-Up - Brent Larsen 02/19/01 05:26 PM Please respond to brent.larsen Hi Stan: It was good to meet you this morning. I've enjoyed working out with Joel; he's a good "kid" and I can certainly relate to his Midwest roots and Iowa State background. I grew up on a grain/livestock farm in Gladbrook, Iowa, a town of under 1,000 people, and did my BS at Iowa State and MBA at Kansas University. I'm currently working as Director, Business Development at RedMeteor.com, an internet-based energy brokerage company. We compete against Altra Energy, EnronOnline, InterContinentalExchange and HoustonStreet. We started with $22 million in venture capital, but need an additional infusion of capital to build out our business model. I think it's going to be difficult for us to attract additional funding in this climate, so I'm interested in making a move to another employer when I find the right fit. As I mentioned this morning, I've been talking with Conoco recently (my previous employer for 9 years) as well as Enron's Broadband Services group. I'm looking for a Houston-based business development position that would build on my eCommerce experience at RedMeteor or my oil & gas pipeline operations background. I've also met with Reliant Energy recently although I understand they've suspended hiring in their trading/eCommerce groups due to the California crisis. Any suggestions you would have would be appreciated. Thanks for your time. Brent Larsen W: 281/243-6527 C: 832/724-7666 (See attached file: B Larsen 2-16-01.doc) - B Larsen 2-16-01.doc