Enron Mail

Subject:Re: Follow-Up - Brent Larsen
Date:Fri, 30 Mar 2001 02:27:00 -0800 (PST)


Per Jeff's request, I have forwarded the resume you attached to Philippe
Bibi, President & CEO of Enron NetWorks.

Jeff would be interested in a tour of the building. Would if the afternoon
of May 8, at 3:30 would work for your schedule. At Jeff's request, I plan on
including Bill Donovan.


stanmarek@marekbros.com on 03/14/2001 08:49:41 AM
To: jeff.skilling@enron.com

Subject: Follow-Up - Brent Larsen


How's it going in the world of energy? I enjoy reading about you and your
adventures. Sounds like you might be having a little fun as well.

Attached is a resume from an acquaintance of mine. Nice guy and would be
credit to anyone's organization. Thought you might forward it to

Don't forget you've got a lifetime warranty on the drywall in your house.
My compliments. Call me if you have any problems. Also I walked your new
building last week. Quite impressive, especially what we're having to
build on a tight schedule. Should really be nice. If you'd like a
personal tour, let me know. I'd love to put you in a hardhat and introduce
you to the team that's doing all the work. Would make a great shot for my
in-house publication and maybe yours as well.

Miss seeing you at our Forum meetings. WPO is not as much fun as YPO.
Enjoy it while you can!

----- Forwarded by Stan Marek/MBS on 03/14/01 08:44 AM -----

"Brent R. Larsen"
<brent.larsen@redm To:
eteor.com< cc:
Subject: Follow-Up - Brent
02/19/01 05:26 PM
Please respond to

Hi Stan:

It was good to meet you this morning. I've enjoyed working out with Joel;
he's a good "kid" and I can certainly relate to his Midwest roots and Iowa
State background. I grew up on a grain/livestock farm in Gladbrook, Iowa, a
town of under 1,000 people, and did my BS at Iowa State and MBA at Kansas

I'm currently working as Director, Business Development at RedMeteor.com,
internet-based energy brokerage company. We compete against Altra Energy,
EnronOnline, InterContinentalExchange and HoustonStreet. We started with
million in venture capital, but need an additional infusion of capital to
build out our business model. I think it's going to be difficult for us to
attract additional funding in this climate, so I'm interested in making a
move to another employer when I find the right fit.

As I mentioned this morning, I've been talking with Conoco recently (my
previous employer for 9 years) as well as Enron's Broadband Services group.
I'm looking for a Houston-based business development position that would
build on my eCommerce experience at RedMeteor or my oil & gas pipeline
operations background. I've also met with Reliant Energy recently although
understand they've suspended hiring in their trading/eCommerce groups due
the California crisis.

Any suggestions you would have would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Brent Larsen
W: 281/243-6527
C: 832/724-7666

(See attached file: B Larsen 2-16-01.doc)

- B Larsen 2-16-01.doc