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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: Jeff Skilling X-To: Sherri Sera X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Jeff_Skilling_Oct2001\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: SKILLING-J X-FileName: jskillin.nsf ---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron on 01/31/2001= =20 05:19 PM --------------------------- James Derrick 01/31/2001 03:52 PM To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT cc: Jeff Skilling/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Rob Walls/NA/Enron@Enron, "Dilg, Joe"= =20 <jdilg@velaw.com<=20 Subject: Re: INVESTIGATION OF CORRUPTION IN THE TURKISH ENERGY SECTOR -=20 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL =20 John, thank you for the report. I have asked Joe Dilg of Vinson & Elkins (w= ho=20 has been involved in all of our investigations relating to potential FCPA= =20 issues) and Rob Walls to look into this matter. Jim John Sherriff@ECT 01/31/2001 08:38 AM To: Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling@Enron, Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark=20 Frevert/NA/Enron@Enron, Greg Whalley/HOU/ECT, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON,= =20 James Derrick/Corp/Enron@ENRON cc: Eric Shaw/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT, Brian=20 Stanley/EU/Enron@ENRON, Jackie Gentle/LON/ECT@ECT, Richard Lewis/LON/ECT@EC= T,=20 Joe Gold/LON/ECT@ECT, Mark Evans/Legal/LON/ECT@ECT, Lloyd=20 Wantschek/LON/ECT@ECT=20 Subject: INVESTIGATION OF CORRUPTION IN THE TURKISH ENERGY SECTOR - PRIVATE= &=20 CONFIDENTIAL =09 Eric Shaw's team has learned that an investigation has been initiated by th= e=20 Turkish military to expose and eliminate corruption in the Turkish energy= =20 sector. On January 6, the military took seven energy sector bureaucrats into custod= y.=20 In the following days, other officials from TEA? (the electricity generatio= n=20 monopoly) and the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (MENR) and=20 executives from a number of Turkish companies were also taken into custody.= =20 While many of the bureaucrats and executives have been released, a leaked= =20 report from the military investigators suggests that the operation is wide= =20 ranging and may ultimately target the Minister of Energy and Natural=20 Resources and other senior energy sector bureaucrats and businessmen.=20 Enron Implications Trakya - One Turkish newspaper has reported that Enron=01,s 478 MW Trakya = power=20 project was being investigated. This has not been reported anywhere else. = =20 Because the power price at Trakya has been the target of criticism in the= =20 past, we are not surprised by this report. Although an investigation is=20 always a possibility, other than the one newspaper report, there has been n= o=20 indication, official or otherwise, that an investigation is planned or=20 underway. =20 GAMA - It has also been reported that the wife of Gorkhan Yardim, the Gener= al=20 Manager of BOTA? (the natural gas monopoly), works at GAMA, our Turkish=20 partner in the Trakya project, and that his expensive car was a gift from= =20 GAMA. GAMA has told us, and Yardim has defended himself publicly by saying,= =20 that his wife has been working at GAMA since 1993, long before Yardim had= =20 risen to his current position of power at BOTA?, and that the car was not a= =20 gift from GAMA. It is worth noting, however, that there have been a number = of=20 newspaper reports questioning GAMA=01,s role in a controversial gas marketi= ng=20 deal being undertaken by their TurRusGas joint venture with Gazprom and BOT= A?. Outlook It is still not clear how or when this investigation will end. In the mediu= m=20 and long term, this will be good news for Enron and other reputable Turkish= =20 or foreign companies which have found it difficult to do transparent energy= =20 deals in Turkey in the past. In the short term, however, it is likely to=20 result in a marked decrease in meaningful activity in the Turkish energy=20 sector, as worried bureaucrats, innocent and guilty, lay low.=20 We will continue to monitor developments, especially with regard to the=20 Trakya project, and report as necessary.