Enron Mail |
Stephanie, I was not able to open or view the MS150.pdf file. Did anyone
else have problems? SRS Stephanie_Strong@enron.com on 01/23/2001 08:59:32 AM To: Stephanie_Strong@enron.com cc: Subject: Ride Registration Forms Here are some of the ride registration forms for upcoming rides. Tour De Cypress - Sunday, April 1 - ECC will sign you up and pay early registration fees on this one. If you wish to participate in this ride, please fill out the form and return to Stephanie Strong, EB2414. Registration deadline is Thursday, March 22. (See attached file: tourdecypress1.pdf)(See attached file: tourdecypress2.pdf) Clean Air Challenge - April 7 - This is a discretionary ride. You're on your own to sign up. (See attached file: cleanairchallenge.pdf) Gator Bike Ride - March 3 - This is a discretionary ride. (See attached file: gatorbikeride.pdf) MS150 - Please fill out and return to either Amelia Alder - 3AC3120 or Stephanie Strong, EB2414. (See attached file: ms150.pdf) IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE EMAIL ME OR GIVE ME A CALL. THANKS! Steph : ) 31653 - tourdecypress1.pdf - tourdecypress2.pdf - cleanairchallenge.pdf - gatorbikeride.pdf - ms150.pdf