Enron Mail |
Judy, my apologies for the delay in responding to your request. The meetin=
g=20 is scheduled to take place at Enron Broadband Services facility located at= =20 727 N. Shepherd Drive. I have attached a map for your file. There are no= =20 hotels in that area, but hotels located downtown are approximately 15 minut= es=20 away by taxi or car. I would suggest the DoubleTree Allen Center=20 (713.759.0202), the Downtown Hyatt Regency (713.654.1234), or the Four=20 Seasons Hotel (713.650.1300). Should you have any problems securing a room= ,=20 please let me know. I'll be contacting you and the other speakers within t= he=20 next week to arrange a conference call. In the meantime, please let me kno= w=20 if you have any other questions. Regards, Sherri Judy Ward <JWard@kpcb.com< on 03/23/2001 04:24:03 PM To: "'jeff.skilling@enron.com'" <jeff.skilling@enron.com< cc: =20 Subject: YPO Panel on 4.24 Jeff, I am planning Kevin Compton=01,s travel to Houston for the YPO panel. Please send me the name and address of the building where this will take place. Also, since he will be coming in the night before, which hotels would you recommend? Thank you. Judy Ward Judy Ward Assistant to Kevin Compton 650 233-3459 jward@kpcb.com