Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Office Update
Date:Thu, 31 Jan 2002 13:50:08 -0800 (PST)

Just so there's no confusion: I, too, have accepted a position with UBS War=
burg to be a part of its regulatory affairs team.

Alan Comnes

-----Original Message-----
From: =09Belden, Tim =20
Sent:=09Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:01 PM
To:=09DL-Portland World Trade Center
Subject:=09Office Update

Chris and I would like to take this opportunity to update everyone on what =
has been happening on the floor(s) during the last couple of weeks and what=
is likely to transpire in the weeks to come. I'd like to begin by apologi=
zing for the lack of broad e-mail communications or floor meetings over the=
last couple of weeks. These have been very hard times and I know that peo=
ple have wanted information. It has taken us nearly a week to sort through=
who will be part of the UBS Warburg team and who continue with Enron. =20

In this e-mail I will explain: (1) who will be going to UBS Warburg, (2) wh=
o do the people working for Enron work for and what are they expected to do=
, (3) how will the physical separation between Enron and UBS Warburg happen=
, and (4) when will the sale of Netco to UBS Warburg be completed. In addi=
tion to Chris Calger and me, the following Portland-based employees have ac=
cepted positions with UBS Warburg:

Last Name=09First Name=09Last Name=09First Name=09
Gilbert=09Michael "Scotty"=09Steiner=09David=09
Gustafson=09Mollie=09Stokley=09Marlin "Chris"=09
Lee=09Eugene=09Van Houten=09Maria=09
Mallory=09Patrick "Chris"=09Villeggiante=09Theresa=09
Meyer=09James=09Williams=09William J=09

While there are a few people who are still making up their minds, the rest =
of the people in our office will be working for the Enron estate. It is no=
t entirely clear to me right now what the management team for west power lo=
oks like for the Enron estate now. As I understand it, there are two prima=
ry initiatives on the estate side that people in Portland may be a part of.=
The first is the disposition of our development projects that are already=
well under way. Dave Parquet in San Francisco has been leading this effor=
t together with the Portland asset development team. This effort has been =
ongoing since December. The second is the disposition of our west power co=
mmodity positions. Jim Fallon is in charge of this for the entire company.=
People working on this for Jim include Don Miller, Paul Racicot, Brad Ric=
hter, Ed Baughman among others. I have placed a call to Jim and to Paul to=
get advice on how people in Portland should proceed. I would recommend ta=
lking to Ed, Brad, Paul, or Don to get direction. I have placed a call to =
several of these people to get direction and am waiting for a response. I =
am hopeful that they will designate a lead person in Portland to coordinate=
the power procurement and delivery efforts.

As most of you know, the physical separation between UBS Warburg and Enron =
has already begun. People who will continue to work for Enron will be loca=
ted on the 4th Floor, while UBS Warburg will occoupy the 3rd Floor. We hop=
e to make the moves to the 4th Floor by the end of this week. Moves within=
the 3rd Floor will take place the following week.

The UBS Warburg transaction is subject to one last pro forma regulatory hur=
dle. While I don't have an exact date, I am told that it will likely be on=
or about February 6th.

Finally, I want to once again thank everyone for their help and cooperation=
over the last few weeks. These have been really horrible times as the Enr=
on story continues to unfold in the news at the same time that people are f=
inding out about their future with Enron and UBS. I know that this hasn't =
been easy for anyone. I am deeply saddened overseeing the breakup of the a=
wesome team that we have put together. Whether you are going to UBS, remai=
ning with Enron, or leaving the company, I wish everyone who worked on this=
team the best in their future endeavors. It has been a distinct honor to =
work with each and every one of you.
