Enron Mail

Subject:RE: Young Storage Status
Date:Tue, 31 Jul 2001 14:43:00 -0700 (PDT)

I have not spoken to CIG directly about the maintaince. I was making sure
that everyone was in the loop concerning any CIG business that could have an
impact on Young Storage. The messages I received talked about Ft. Morgan
Storage Facility. Did not know if FT.Morgan and Young were seperate
facilities or one in the same.


-----Original Message-----
From: Theresa.Staab@enron.com [mailto:Theresa.Staab@enron.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:08 AM
To: Poole Jr., Robert W.
Cc: Hack, John W.; 'Paul.T.Lucci@enron.com'
Subject: Re: Young Storage Status

I will fax you the invoice for Young Storage right now. I understood from
Julie Adams at CIG that Young Storage should not be affected by the
maintenance in August. Is that your understanding?

Let me know if you need further information.
(303) 575-6485

"Poole Jr., Robert

W." To:
"'Paul.T.Lucci@enron.com'" <Paul.T.Lucci@enron.com<,
<Robert.Poole@atmose <Theresa.Staab@enron.com<

nergy.com< cc: "Hack, John W."
Subject: Young Storage
07/31/2001 09:52 AM

Paul & Thersa,
I need to check on the status of the Young Storage field. I need to update
John on where the phyisical balances are in that field. I sent you e-mails
concerning the scheduled maitaince CIG is doing with that field in August.
Could you please send me the Young Storage summary in the Young Storage
invoice for June? What is your expected balance at July 31st?

If you could please send me that information as soon as possible, I would
appreciate it.


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