Enron Mail

Subject:Challenge friends to Planters Crunch Time Football!
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 19:59:01 -0700 (PDT)


Challenge friends
to Planters Crunch
Time Football! <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/spo225002<;

Play Planters Crunch Time now! <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/spo225003<;

Hey, theresa!

It's the big game. You're down by 5 and need to score in 4 plays or less. Your friend's defense, however, has other plans. Do you run a sweep? Or go for it all with the bomb? In Planters Crunch Time Football, YOU decide.

Welcome to the Internet's first-ever football game that, via e-mail, pits you against a friend in an exciting, "do or die" match-up. You pick your plays, your friend chooses his, and both of you watch the results unfold in graphic, play-by-play action.

So, huddle up, baby -- Planters Crunch Time is fast, fun, and FREE!

PLAY PLANTERS CRUNCH TIME FOOTBALL <http://wwwrd.0mm.com/spo225004<;

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