Enron Mail

To:theresa.staab@enron.com, jay.reitmeyer@enron.com
Subject:FW: Medicine Bow Tie-In Capacity
Date:Fri, 26 Oct 2001 14:22:03 -0700 (PDT)

-----Original Message-----
From: Lobban, Laine [mailto:Laine.Lobban@ElPaso.com]
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 2:47 PM
To: 'connie.schenderlein@williams.com'; 'wayne.ellis@williams.com';
'kelly.knowlton@williams.com'; 'bill.wince@dvn.com';
'cathy.pennington@dvn.com'; 'don.mauldin@dvn.com';
'tmchendry@cmsenergy.com'; 'mwhitt@enron.com'; 'plucci@enron.com';
'kfhampton@marathonoil.com'; 'arichmon@westerngas.com';
'rallen@westerngas.com'; 'jgraham700@aol.com'; 'vcampbel@utilicorp.com';
'jmhasti@ppco.com'; 'bjeffrie@westerngas.com';
'mamiller@marathonoil.com'; Reitmeyer, Jay
Cc: Coombs, Craig; Zinko, Don; Price, Tom; Wood, Sally; Warhover, Judy;
Saye, Steven; Dalene, Scott; Gerlich, Peter; Hutton, Tarry; Koerner,
Steve; Tomlinson, Robert T.; Harris, Roland; Cook, Mark; Palazzari,
Catherine; Westhoff, Mark; Riter, Maureen
Subject: Medicine Bow Tie-In Capacity

Dear Medicine Bow Shipper:

We received notification that the 5th segment to gate valve 6 providing a
total firm capacity of 495 Mdth/day was approved by FERC today. Based on
the feedback some of you have provided today, and since this is late notice
on a Friday afternoon, the contracts will be effective on Monday, October
29, but the capacity will be available tomorrow and Sunday. We filed the
6th segment to gate valve 5 this past Tuesday (October 23) and are prepared
to file the final segment as soon as one currently being reviewed is

Please call me if you have any questions.

Laine Lobban
719-331-3379 (cell)

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