Enron Mail

Subject:Fwd: Fw: Fw: 7 Angels
Date:Wed, 17 Oct 2001 11:34:29 -0700 (PDT)

** Proprietary **

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <JBUFFING@westerngas.com<
To: Deannathaut@aol.com, Girly069Buf@aol.com, Theresa_Staab@enron.com, Andrea Mosley <AMOSLEY.houpo.Houston@westerngas.com<, Barbara Amendolari <BAMENDOL.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Candy Decoteau <Cdecotea.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, KAREN LACOMBE <KLACOMBE.houpo.Houston@westerngas.com<, Tamra Haueisen <THAUEISE.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<
Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 4:50:57 GMT

** Proprietary **

--------- Inline attachment follows ---------

From: <parker@ctel.net<
To: Gwen H. Howard <carogweneth@juno.com<, Joan Scialdone <kollie@nh.ultranet.com<, Liz Klein <lizk@monad.net<, Susan Martin <slarsen@midcoast.com<, Mary Mulhern <lochnorfm@aol.com<, anne lively <ilcoles@maine.rr.com<, Terri Delellis <tdelelli@westerngas.com<
Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 11:08:02 GMT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Crystal Stoner" <crystal_j_stoner@hotmail.com<
To: <shadowmont@aol.com<; <capella@cvtv.net<; <Dorelaine1@aol.com<;
<gmeans@csu.ces.edu<; <Aldebaran_shelties@prodigy.net<;
<judybillyhodges@pgtv.net<; <Wyndlair@hotmail.com<; <RAbbott430@aol.com<;
<Southlandc@hotmail.com<; <Sunway@peoplepc.com<
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 10:39 PM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: 7 Angels

< <From: "Rayleen Hendrix" <hendrix@hiwaay.net<
< <To: "Sarah Garrison" <talalove@hotmail.com<, "Millie Meyer"
< <<gaymilllacywolf@aol.com<, "Liz Doyle" <Hollydalek@aol.com<, "Kathy
< <Zehetner" <kazes@alexssa.net<, "Frank & Sharon Edler"
< <<twinaches@aeroinc.net<, "Diane Cauble" <Caublestone@aol.com<,
< <"Crystal Stoner" <crystal_j_stoner@hotmail.com<, "Christi
< <<willoblu@bellsouth.net<, "Cathy Stewart" <cstewart@hiwaay.net<,
< < "Beckie Bucklew" <hollycollie@yahoo.com<, "Barbara Lee Dacy"
< <<BLDACY54@home.com<, "Ball" <jball@eurekanet.com<, "Anne Lapointe"
< <<almagic2001@yahoo.com<, "Anne Kocsis" <md88drvr@mindspring.com<,
< < "Alisha Lawrence" <alishautvet@aol.com<
< <Subject: Fw: 7 Angels
< <Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 21:25:59 -0500
< <
< <
< <----- Original Message -----
< <From: Jackie Henson
< <To: Rayleen ; Sue and Craig ; Kathy moll ; Bonnie ; Betty and Bob ;
< <Burke ; Teresa Cook
< <Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 9:02 PM
< <Subject: Fw: 7 Angels
< <
< <
< <
< <----- Original Message -----
< <From: Michelle and Tom Tennis
< <To: Wm & Patricia Smith ; Vickie VonSeggern ; Sue Webber ; Shelley
< <Bergstraser ; Shelley Grammis ; Sharon Roznik ; Ron & Marilyn Bauer ;
< <& Mary Lee Winne ; Peggy Melton ; Pam Bartoli ; MrsVennessee@aol.com ;
< <Michelle Struble ; Marie Markovich ; Liza Dunkle ; Kimberly Haeuser ;
< <Kathie Raap ; Jan Hendrickson ; Jackie Henson ; Gloria Swenson ; Eva
< <Gardner ; Eunice A. Safford ; Debbie & Hailey Devnew ; Debbie & Darrell
< <Jackson ; Deb & John Tousey ; DALE GOESSL ; Chris Sokol ; Cheryl Sargeant
< <Becky Ochoa ; Amy Ross ; Amy Gau
< <Sent: Monday, October 15, 2001 6:52 PM
< <Subject: Fw: 7 Angels
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< < Angels Club
< <
< <
< <
< <You are invited to be part of THE ANGELS
< <
< <The first Angel you are going to receive, means PEACE
< <
< <
< <
< <The second, LOVE
< <
< <
< <
< <The third, HAPPINESS
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <The 4th, HEALTH,
< <
< <The 5th, MONEY
< <
< <
< <
< <The 6th, FRIENDSHIP, and
< <
< <
< <
< <The 7th, your wish
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <Send this to 7 true friends.
< <
< <Do no stop this game. Forcertain, the Angels you are receiving will
< <your way now and always. Believe in the 7 Guardian Angels and you're
< <will improve. Somebody who wishes you the best gives these Angels to you
< <with lots of love.
< <
< <
< <
< <
< <Send this Angel as soon as possible....!!!!!
< <
< <
< <
< _________________________________________________________________
< Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp