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Enron Mail |
** Proprietary **
--------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <BAMENDOL@westerngas.com< To: Amy Bennett <ABENNETT.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Beth Beck <Bbeck.= MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Brenda Cather <Bcather.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@weste= rngas.com<, Barbara Duncan <Bduncan.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Barbara= Hall <BHALL.ADMPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Cheryl Brandon <CBRANDON.ADMPO= .D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Cynthia Brewer <Cbrewer.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westernga= s.com<, Candy Decoteau <Cdecotea.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Donna Gars= jo <DGARSJO.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Dawn Graff <DGRAFF.MKTPO.D1DOMA= IN@westerngas.com<, Darci Haueisen <Dhaueise.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<= , Donna Reese <DREESE.ADMPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Faye Barbeau <Fbarbea= u.ENGPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Jennifer Buffington <JBUFFING.MKTPO.D1DOM= AIN@westerngas.com<, Jennifer Meador <Jmeador.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com= <, Julia Norton <JNORTON.ENGPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, KAREN LACOMBE <KLA= COMBE.houpo.Houston@westerngas.com<, Laura Chapman <LCHAPMAN.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN= @westerngas.com<, Lili Floyd <LFLOYD.ADMPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Linda = McLaughlin <LMCLAUGH.houpo.Houston@westerngas.com<, Marla Hoffman <MHOFFMAN= .ENGPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Phillip Moyer <PMOYER.ENGPO.D1DOMAIN@weste= rngas.com<, Rose Condos <RCONDOS.ENGPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Rebecca Ye= do <RYEDO.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Sandy Heidenreich <SHEIDENR.ENGPO= .D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Sharon Sanchez <Ssanchez.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerng= as.com<, Terri Delellis <TDELELLI.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Terri Di= ckerson <TDICKERS.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Tamra Haueisen <THAUEISE.= MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Theresa Langren <TLANGREN.ISPO.D1DOMAIN@wes= terngas.com<, Tracie Steele <TSTEELE.houpo.Houston@westerngas.com<, Vicki P= ack <Vpack.MKTPO.D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Vickie Stringham <VSTRINGH.MKTPO= .D1DOMAIN@westerngas.com<, Wanda Jenkins <WJENKINS.ENGPO.D1DOMAIN@westernga= s.com< Date: Friday, October 19, 2001 2:13:03 GMT Subject:=20 ** Proprietary ** --------- Inline attachment follows --------- From: <lwhite13@houston.rr.com< To: Tracie Steele <tsteele@westerngas.com<, randy lay <randylay@msn.com<, P= hyllis McMeans <phyllismc@wt.net<, Pat Maldonado <Patricia.Maldonado@cfisd.= net<, Mishelle Shires <gmshires@aol.com<, Micah Davis <mdavis5038@aol.com<,= Melanie Grubb <melgrub@aol.com<, Joan Mitchell <grannie1@ev1.net<, Faye Ga= lloway <faye@cont-casing.com<, Elizabeth Schaumann <lizzard59@msn.com<, Dia= ne Mitchell <DCHM49@aol.com< Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 3:30:38 GMT Subject:=20 ----- Original Message ----- From: "PATRICIA MALDONADO" <PATRICIA.MALDONADO@cfisd.net< To: <gesqueda@americorp.com<; <FamiliaLopez00@aol.com<; <Madelrofra@aol.com<; <Rdcan2@aol.com<; <WRStar23@aol.com<; "CHARLA MERCER" <CDM10330.CFADM.ISD@cfisd.net<; "KAREN WARNER" <KKW10820.CF001.ISD@cfisd.net<; "LORI CARDENAS" <LAC10526.CFADM.ISD@cfisd.net<; "MARGIE DOBSON" <MVD10906.CFADM.ISD@cfisd.net<; "SANDRA POOLE" <SMP10929.CFADM.ISD@cfisd.net<; <lwhite13@houston.rr.com<; <GMHuck@jones.corpus-christi.k12.tx<; <Cristelia.Maldonado@keane.com<; <SAleman@mail.law.utexas.edu<; <anamoner1@yahoo.com< Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:31 AM Subject: Hello there Nice Person Hello There Nice Person < < < < Did Anyone Ever Tell You, < < < < Just How Special You Are < < < < The Light that You Emit < < < < Might even Light a Star < < < < Did Anyone Ever Tell You < < < < How Important You Make Others Feel < < < < Somebody out here is Smiling < < < < About Love that is so Real < < < < Did Anyone Ever Tell You < < < < Many Times, When They were Sad < < < < Your E-mail made Them Smile a bit < < < < In Fact It made Them Glad < < < < For the Time You Spend Sending Things < < < < And Sharing whatever You Find < < < < There are No Words to Thank You < < < < But Somebody, Thinks You're Fine < < < < Did Anyone Ever Tell You < < < < Just How Much They Love You < < < < Well, My Dearest "Online " Friend < < < < Today I am Telling You < < < < I HOPE I GET THIS BACK < < < < I believe that without a < < < < Friend you are missing out on a lot!!! < < < < Don't be confused by friends and < < < < acquaintances, there is a difference! < < < < Because I care about you, It's < < < < national care week . . . and you get to < < < < send messages to all your friends telling < < < < them that you care about them and < < < < make them feel good about themselves and if < < < < they write back . . . (just once) then that means < < < < that they care about you too. < < < < BUT, you have to send it right now!! < < < < Send it to everyone you care about < < < < and if they send it back . . . < < < < that means they care too. But don't just send < < < < it back, send it on to everyone.. < < < < Have a nice day, and I'm glad we are friends!!! < < < < THIS IS A HAND OF FRIENDSHIP < < < < YOU MUST PASS IT TO AT LEAST 4 FRIENDS!!! < < < < ,,< <,,< <,,< <,,< < < < < When you're down to nothing, God's up to something!!!!! Patricia Maldonado Information Services Patricia.Maldonado@cfisd.net (281) 897-4085 (281) 517-2059 Fax