Enron Mail

Subject:Put up $5 to win $1 Million!
Date:Wed, 19 Dec 2001 05:14:05 -0800 (PST)

Do you know football? Would you pay $5 to enter an office
pool with a $1 Million grand prize? There are 3 weeks left
in the pro football season and someone is GUARANTEED to win
$1 Million in the Office Pool Challenge. There's still
plenty of time left for you to win, so sign up today!


It's easy to play. Just predict which teams will cover the=20
point spread each week.

If someone picks every game right in a week, that person is=20
entered into a random drawing with everyone else who made=20
"perfect picks" during the season. If no one makes "perfect=20
picks" - and so far no one has - then the 17 weekly high=20
scorers are entered into a drawing for the $1 Million prize.
With 3 weeks left, you still have 3 chances to make perfect
picks or be one of the weekly high scorers... maybe you'll=20
win all three weeks!

Someone is guaranteed to win $1 Million. With 3 weeks to go,
there's no reason it can't be you. Other prizes are up for=20
grabs too - so SIGN UP TODAY and give it a shot!

This message has been provided free of charge and free of
obligation. If you prefer not to receive emails of this
nature please respond to remove@commissioner.com. Do not
respond to this email directly.=20

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<TD width=3D360<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Helvetica" size=3D4<<!--IN=
SERT CONTENT HERE--<<b<Someone will win a millions dollars!</b<<BR<<BR<<FON=
T face=3D"Verdana, Helvetica" size=3D2<Do you know football? Would you pay=
$5 to enter an office pool with a $1 Million grand prize? There are 3 wee=
ks left in the pro football season and someone is GUARANTEED to win $1 Mill=
ion in the Office Pool Challenge. There's still plenty of time left for yo=
u to win, so <a href=3D"http://poolchallenge.fantasy.sportsline.com/?r=3Des=
fb1228_html"<<b<sign up today!</b<</a<<BR<
If someone picks every game right in a week, that person is entered into a =
random drawing with everyone else who made "perfect picks" during the seaso=
n. If no one makes "perfect picks" then the 17 weekly high-scorers are ent=
ered into a drawing for the $1 Million prize. With 3 weeks left, you still=
have 3 chances to make perfect picks or to be one of the weekly high score=
rs... maybe you'll win all weeks!<BR<
Someone is guaranteed to win $1 Million...why can't it be you? <a href=3D"h=
ttp://poolchallenge.fantasy.sportsline.com/?r=3Desfb1228_html"<<b<SIGN UP T=
<TD width=3D10<&nbsp;</TD<</TR<</TBODY<</TABLE<</TD<
<TD background=3Dhttp://images.commissioner.com/images/ads/emails/back2=
.gif width=3D217<
<TABLE background=3D"" border=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 cellSpacing=3D0 wid=
<TR vAlign=3Dtop<
<TD rowSpan=3D3 width=3D38<<IMG alt=3D"" border=3D0 height=3D162=
ll2.gif" width=3D38<</TD<
<TD colSpan=3D2 width=3D179<<a href=3D"http://poolchallenge.fanta=
alt=3D"Fantasy Football only at cbs.sportsline.com" border=3D0 =
<TD height=3D282 width=3D150<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Helvetica"=20
size=3D2<<!--Insert text here for bullets--<

<TABLE background=3D"" border=3D0 cellPadding=3D2 cellSpacing=3D0<
<TR VALIGN=3Dtop<<TD<<b<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<&=
middot;</b<</TD<<TD<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<<b<Gr=
and Prize:</b< $1,000,000<br<<br<</TD<</TR<
<TR VALIGN=3Dtop<<TD<<b<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<&=
middot;</b<</TD<<TD<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<<b<Fi=
rst Place:</b< $5,000<br<<br<</TD<</TR<
<TR VALIGN=3Dtop<<TD<<b<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<&=
middot;</b<</TD<<TD<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<<b<Se=
cond Place:</b< $2,500<br<<br<</TD<</TR<
<TR VALIGN=3Dtop<<TD<<b<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<&=
middot;</b<</TD<<TD<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<<b<Th=
ird Place:</b< $1,000<br<<br<</TD<</TR<
<TR VALIGN=3Dtop<<TD<<b<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<&=
middot;</b<</TD<<TD<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<<b<Fo=
urth - Sixth Place:</b< $500<br<<br<</TD<</TR<
<TR VALIGN=3Dtop<<TD<<b<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<&=
middot;</b<</TD<<TD<<FONT face=3D"Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size=3D1<<b<We=
ekly Prize:</b< $2,500 worth of electronics</TD<</TR<
<TD width=3D49<&nbsp;</TD<</TR<</TBODY<</TABLE<<A M? href=
=3D"http://poolchallenge.fantasy.sportsline.com/?r=3Desfb1228_html"<<IMG ? =
alt=3D"Sign Up Today!" border=3D0 height=3D42 ? src=3D"http://ima=
ges.commissioner.com/images/ads/emails/signup.gif" width=3D179<</A< ? =
<P<? <TABLE border=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 cellSpacing=3D0<? <TBODY=
<? <TR<? <TD align=3Dmiddle<?<MAP name=3Dmap<?<AREA coords=
=3D67,15,150,77 href=3D"http://poolchallenge.fantasy.sportsline.com/?r=3Des=
fb1228_html" shape=3DRECT<?</MAP<?<IMG border=3D0 height=3D88 ? =
src=3D"http://images.commissioner.com/images/ads/emails/opc.gif" useMap=3D#=
map ? width=3D217<</TD<</TR<</TBODY<</TABLE<</P<</TD<? <TD back=
ground=3D"" bgColor=3D#FFC700 rowSpan=3D3 width=3D13<&nbsp;</TD<</TR<? <TR=
<? <TD align=3Dright background=3D"" colSpan=3D2<<IMG alt=3D"Fantasy Spo=
rts for Real" ? border=3D0 height=3D42 src=3D"http://images.commission=
er.com/images/ads/emails/fantsportforreal.gif" ? width=3D257< ? <=
TABLE border=3D0 cellPadding=3D3 cellSpacing=3D0 width=3D597<? <TBOD=
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